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values. In the table given below some of the principal items have been selected and are shown in terms of quantities :—

Overseas Trade Representatives. The Department's trade representatives overseas are well distributed over ali parts of the world where our trade is likely to develop and expand. With the exception of the two Trade Commissioners in Canada and Australia, most of the other representatives act in a purely honorary capacity, and opportunity is here taken to place on record the Department's appreciation of the assistance and. close co-operation which has at all times been received from these representatives. Each year sees an increase in the volume of trade inquiries and general matter handled and consequently the value of these services continually becomes enhanced. The producing and commercial interests in general in New Zealand in an endeavour to develop their trading connections find the facilities afforded by these gentlemen almost invaluable when it comes to making the necessary commercial contact with the distributive groups in overseas countries. Numerous trade inquiries relating to the opportunities presenting themselves for further expansion of our export markets are continually being received in increasing numbers, and the information respecting these is immediately disseminated to all producers and exporters likely to be interested therein. In this way is built up no small portion of a trade that is capable of expansion into larger volumes. To the two official Trade Commissioners in Australia and Canada every credit is due for the manner in which they continue to so ably represent the Dominion in trade and tourist matters. The attention of the business and commercial community in the Dominion is again drawn to the facilities afforded by the Government representatives, agents, and correspondents in various parts of the world, fhey are there at the disposal of any person or firm desiring to extend trade relations with the countries concerned, and it is hoped that exporters and merchants in New Zealand will co-operate with the Department and with Trade Commissioners or honorary representatives concerned by utilizing to the fullest possible extent the services and facilities which are offered. NEW ZEALAND MANUFACTURERS' FEDERATION. At the annual conference of Manufacturers' Associations held in Wellington in November last year it was decided that the time had arrived for the constitution of a permanent Dominion organization. The Federation's functions are many and varied, including the fostering of a buyer's preference for New-Zealand-made goods, collaboration with the Standards Institution, representation of manufacturers' interests in connection with proposed legislation, research and publication of information in regard to manufacturing industries, the amicable settlement of any disputes or conflict of interests that may occur between different branches of industry, receiving and bringing to the attention of firms any complaints that may be made about the quality of particular manufactured goods, and generally the development and co-ordination of industrial activities and promotion of mutual understanding and good will between manufacturing interests and other branches of New Zealand industry and the general public.


" ! 1931. ! 1932. ! 1933. I I J Wool ' Japan .. .. Bales 18,613 22,090 27,305 Mia .. . . 366 667 227 Cllma „ 116 82 75 Tallow— India .. .. Tons 1,169 1,626 918 Ja P an •• „ 1,492 473 1,088 Butter— India .. .. Cwt. 786 968 1,120 Burma .. .. 106 126 ' 126 Ceylon • • „ 703 431 277 Malaya •• „ 1,650 363 931 China .. .. 648 1,449 1,732 Dutch East Indies .. ,, 555 368 134 Japan . . . . „ 712 603 375 CaseinJapan ■■ „ 28,092 20,509 25,035 Cheese— China •• 445 745 524 Honey— Malaya .. Lb. 1,800 3,600 6,635 īndi a •• ■ • „ 1,800 1,200 600 Milk and cream— Burma .. .. „ 600 974 3,173 Ce y lo n •• •• „ 31,360 16,800 11,200 India .. .. „ 5,460 8,220 78,509 Malaya .. .. „ 93,648 1,362,574 882,206 China. „ 1,248 197,728 276,683 Japan .. .. „ 6,720 48,060 24,400 Dutch East Indies .. ,, 58,880 16,570 26,812