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(b) Diphtheria.

The actual increase in the number of notifications for this disease as compared with the previous year 161. The cases were, however, not of virulent type, as is shown by the fact that the casefatality rate is almost half that of the previous year. As is usual in New Zealand, the months with the greatest number of cases were those of the late autumn and the winter.

(c) Typhoid Fever.

This disease does not now take its former place as one of paramount importance. During the five-year period 1916 to 1920 the average number of notifications was 550 per annum. It is also of interest to note that the death-rate from typhoid fever in 1875 was 9-00 per 10,000 of population or 300 times greater than the death-rate of 1933.

(d) Pulmonary Tuberculosis.

(e) Acute Poliomyelitis.

The slight outbreak of poliomyelitis which took place in the early part of 1932 did not recur in the summer of 1933. The last big epidemic of this disease occurred in 1925, during which year 1,159 cases and 175 deaths wore notified.


Deaths. y ear Number of Notifications. Rates per 10(0(K) Qf Qase-fatality um er. Mean Population. Rate per Cent. r 1929 .. .. .. 1,687 92 0-65 5-45 1930 .. .. .. 1,440 58 0-41 4-03 1931 .. .. .. 1,327 55 Q-38 4-14 1932 .. .. .. 802 40 0-27 4-99 1933 .. .. .. 963 27 0-18 2-80

Deaths. Y ear Number of Notifications. Rates per 10,000 of Case-fatality Mean Population. Rate per Cent. 1929 .. .. .. 278 22 0-16 7-91 1930 .. .. .. 149 7 0-05 4-70 1931 .. .. .. 161 8 0-06 4-97 1932 .. .. .. 195 8 0-06 4-10 1933 .. .. .. 106 5 0-03 4-72

Deaths. Year. Number of Notifications. Number Rates P er 10 ' 000 of Mean Population. 1929 .. .. .. 1,374 524 3-72 1930 .. .. .. 1,244 529 3-71 1931 .. .. .. 1,109 501 3-47 1932 .. .. 904 488 3-35 1933 .. .. .. 890 476 3'24

Deaths. Y ear Number of Notifications. Rates per 10000 Case-fatality Mean Population. Bate per Cent. 1929 .. .. .. 35 7 0-05 12-73 1930 .. .. .. 12 5 0-04 41-67 1931 .. .. .. 25 5 0-03 20-00 1932 .. .. .. 148 19 0-13 12-84 1933 .. .. .. 43 8 0-06 18-60