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APPENDIX. SUMMARIZED REPORTS ON STATE AFFORESTATION. Auckland Region. Nurseries. —In accordance with the decision arrived at the previous year, seed-sowing in Whangamata Nursery (Tairua Plantation) was discontinued, and the area was planted up with a mixture of Sequoia sempervirens, C. Lawsoniana, and Pseudotsuga taxifolia. Riverhead Nursery is also practically closed and the land has been leased temporarily for grazing purposes. At Wharekawa Nursery (Tairua Plantation) a sowing of 447 lb. of seed, comprising 70 per cent P. ponderosa, 20 per cent.. P. radiata, and the remainder mainly P. palustns produced 1 740,000 seedlings ; at Waipoua Nursery 148,600 young trees were raised from 70 lb. of seed, cheifly P. 1 master, while at Riverhead 35,000 seedlings {P. radiata) resulted from a sowing of 5 lb. of seed. In some instances germination was retarded by dry weather, 'and at Wharekawa .Nursery considerable damage was done by a severe gale which sprang up soon after several plots were sown. Plantations. —During the planting season low rainfall was experienced, followed by a dry summer and this accounted for some losses amongst the planted stock at Riverhead. Exceptionally rapid and healthy growth is being made by Finns Taeda at this station. P. echinata and P. Pinaster are also coming away well, and after a slow start P. Laricio and P. fonderosa are now showing up above the scrub and bracken, and promise well. The season's planting at Tairua resulted in a fair strike, with the exception of P. radiata, winch was disappointing, due apparently to the severe climatic conditions at the time of planting. At Maramarua Plantation P. radiata is making rapid growth, and all other species have a healthy appearance and are making good progress. - At Waipoua P. palustris and P. echinata are doing well, but P. 1 aeda and P. canbaea are not impressive. Rotorua Region. Nurseries.-—The tree crops at both Rotorua and Wairapukao (Kaingaroa Plains) made satisfactory progress in spite of variable weather conditions, and less damage than usual was caused by grass grubs? From the former nursery 14,211,000 trees were lifted and from the latter 4,807,900. The great bulk of this stock was planted out on Kaingaroa Plains. ' In October and November 1,9341b. of seed was sown—3so lb. m Rotorua Nursery and 1,584 lb at Wairapukao —and resulted in a total crop of 9,549,000 seedlings. This total should be increased by including 16,200 poplars (raised from cuttings) in Rotorua Nursery The estimated number of trees in all nurseries is 31,700,000, of which approximately 14,780,000 are required for planting during the current season —8,080,000 are required for 1935 planting, and the remainder is available for disposal elsewhere. . Plantations. —Planting was completed on Run 60 (with the exception of two compartments) and on that portion of Run 90 to the north of Napier-Taupo Road, a total of approximately 23,160 acres being dealt with, using 15,666,900 trees—an average of 676 trees per acre. The weather during the planting period was variable ; eighteen successive frosts were experienced m June, with good rainfall in July and August, followed by drying winds in September and October. Blanking was carried out on an area of 2,250 acres. . The main species used on the new area planted were P. ponderosa, 47 per cent. ;P. Laricio, per cent. ; P. Murrayana, 8 per cent. ; Pseudotsuga taxifolia, 8 per cent. ; and P. Strobus, 7 per cent. Wellington Region. Nurseries. —No seed was sown, and nursery work was confined to general maintenance, wrenching lifting, &c. Under the latter head 1,803,100 trees were absorbed for local planting, while 16,600 were despatched to various local bodies, schools, &c. : total, 1,819,700. Tree stocks m hand at'the close of the year aggregated 895,200. . f Plantations. —Planting was continued on the Erua project, and 296 acres was reforested with three-year-old P. ponderosa, the strike being very satisfactory, and the mortality only about 1 per cent.; 153 acres were planted with Thuya plicata, making a total of 449 acres. At Karioi planting commenced at the end of May and concluded at the end 01 October. 1 e following areas (in round figures) .were dealt with : New planting, 1,200 acres ; blanking, 2,430 acres ; replanting, 552 acres. The species principally used were P. ponderosa, P. Murrayana, and P. Laricio. With the exception of the last 300 acres planted, which sufiered owing to some weeks of dry weather, the strike was very good. Nelson Region. Nursery.—ln Golden Downs Nursery a sowing was made of 267 Ib. of seed, mainly C. macrocarpa, Pseudotsuga taxifolia, C. Lawsoniana, and P. Pinaster; 1,958,600 trees were lifted, and 379,600 lined out. Sowing commenced on the 16th October and ended early in December; high winds caused considerable delay in this operation.