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Appropriations for Post Office Account.


Number ītem . 1934-3/5 of Persons. V0TĒ No 65.—POSi" AND TELEGRAPH 001 WORKING-EXPENSES —continued. . 1934-35. Subdivision No. I.—Postal and Telegraph Salaries £ £ —continued. 1 Salaries —continued. General Division—continued. MALE OFFICERS. Glass Special— 1 1 at £400 ... ... ... 400 Glass I— 8 8 at £366 ... ... ... 2,928 Class II— 13 13 at £33H ... ... ... 4,310 Glass III— " £ 41 at £302 ... ... 12,382 42 1 at £285 ... ... 285 Glass IV— 12,667 67 67 at £2764 ... ... ... 18,525 Glass V— 329 at £251 ... ... 82,579 330 1 at £234 ... ... 234 Glass VI— 82,813 3 at £234 ... ... 702 I at £2294 229J 699 at ••• ••• 157,624| 2,087 at £215| ••• - 449,748| II at £1974 ••• 2,1721 1 at £184 ... .. 184 297 at £1701 ... ... 50,638| 106 at £121" ... ... 12,826 3 at £108 ... ... 324 24 at £94 ... ... 2,256 106 at £81 ... ... 8,586 3,541 203 at £674 ••• ••• 13,702£ Glass VII— — 698,994 484 at £584 ••• 28,314 616 132 at £46J ... ... 6,138 — 34,452 8,640 New positions, telegraphists, cadets, messengers, and training cadets ... ... ... 12,717 Salaries of officers paid prior to 31st March in respect of periods during next financial year ... 1,400 1,847,680 Less salaries provided but not now required— Amount unexpended owing to increments being payable for periods of less than £ twelvemonths ... ... 18,525 Amount unexpended owing to: (1) Special leave without pay ; (2) sick leave on half or without pay ... ... 10,000 Amount to be expended on Telegraph and Telephone construction works, to be charged to vote " Telegraph Extension, Public Works Fund" and " Depreciation Fund" ... ... 170,000 198,525 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) — Post Office Savings-bank management £ expenses ... ... 84,000 Recoveries from other Departments ... 42,000 126,000 1,649,155