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Appropriations for State Goal-mines Account.


Number Ilem , 1934-35 of Persons. i»oi „ VOTE No. 61.—STATE COAL-MINES —continued. 1934-35. £ £ Othee Charges for and incidental to— 2 Advances to workmen for erection of dwellings (recove]: able) • •• ••• 500 3 Audit fees for inspection of accounts ... ... 350 4 Coal supplies free to mine-managers, &c. ... 75 5 Coal supplied at reduced rates to workmen at the mines ... ••• ••• 1,250 6 Compensation and expenses under Workers' Compensation Acts ... ... 4,000 7 Deposits on contracts (recoverable) ... ... 100 Depots : Purchase of stocks and trading expenses — 8 Christchurch ... ... • • • 27,500 9 Wanganui ... ••• ••• 1,000 10 Wellington ... ... 16,000 11 Grant: Eunanga street lighting ... ... 114 12 Harbour rates and royalty ... ... . ■ ■ 3,500 13 Head office expenses ... ... 200 14 James Colliery expenses ... ... ... 32,000 15 Liverpool Colliery expenses ... ... ... 110,000 16 Motor-trucks, purchase of ... ... ... 530 17 Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes ... ... 140 18 Printing and stationery ... ... ... 200 Prospecting and Development of State Coal-mines — 19 James Mine ... ••• 250 20 Liverpool Mine ... ••• 1,000 21 Prospecting work (State Coal Reserve) ... ... 1,500 22 Public Service Superannuation Fund contribution ... 169 23 Eefund, Mines Department, part expenses, Eunanga School of Mines ... ... ■ • • 45 24 Seddonville Colliery expenses ... ... 50 25 Subsidy: Eunanga Medical Association... ... 162 26 Travelling allowances and expenses ... ... 100 27 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote ... 50 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Eevenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote)— Eeturn of deposits ... ... £100 Sale of plant, railway tickets, &c. 1,000 Miscellaneous ... ... 50 1,150 200,785 Gross Total ... ... — — 208,759 Credits-in-aid ... ... ... ••• 1,150 NET TOTAL—VOTE No. 61 ... — 207,609