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AITUTAKI. Medical and Public Health.—The general health of the Island has been good, with slight epidemics of conjunctivitis and gastritis. Vital Statistics. —The following are the statistics for the year : Births —Males, 32 ; females, 44 : total, 76. Deaths—Males, 20 ; females, 33 : total, 53. Trade and Shipping. —Trade generally has been poor. The orange crop was a very small one. The highest price paid by the traders, for the fruit alone, was 2s. 6d. per case, the average being Is. 9d. per case. Imports. —General, 197 tons ; sawn timber, 7| tons ; shook timber, 85 tons : total, 289 tons. Exports. —General, 19J tons ; fruit-cases, 10,142 ; copra, 230| tons ; arrowroot, 14 cwt. Plantings. —Ample native foods have been planted during the year. Inspection of each Native's work has been regularly made by members of the Island Council and the police of each village. Education. —Araura School: During the year two visits were paid to the school by the late Chief Inspector of Native Schools of New Zealand, who reported very favourably on the conduct of the school. The average attendance at the school has been very high. Present roll: Boys, 229 ; girls, 205 : total, 434. All'buildings have been whitewashed inside and out, and repairs effected where necessary. Two open-air class-rooms have been reroofed by the people of the various villages without cost to the Administration. School grounds and gardens have been kept in thorough order by the staff and pupils. Since the departure of the Headmaster in November last, the school has been managed by a committee of three of the senior teachers, who are doing good work. Courts. —Criminal cases for the year 1933 totalled 252, as against 182 for 1932. Public Works. —Owing to the present financial stringency, only necessary repair works have been undertaken. Roads have been maintained and kept in good order, and wharf railway trucks have been overhauled. The Administration and two Council boats were repaired and painted. A concrete reinforced water-tank of 6,000 gallons capacity was erected at the school. During the year the new soil-sanitation scheme was carried out, with the provision of a flyproof privy for every house in the island, and public sanitary arrangements erected where necessary. Meteorological. —The usual observations of weather conditions were carried out throughout the year. The hurricane season passed off without any serious blow. - Island Council. —Four meetings of the Island Council were held during the year. No new Ordinances were passed. MANGAIA. Health. —For the past year the health of the island has been very good. The dispensary has been kept busy with daily treatments and weekly injections for yaws. The health of the schoolchildren is carefully watched, and as a result of this and the other care given by the resident nurse, the island presents a very healthy appearance. General treatments, 7,599 ; injections for yaws, 422. i Vital Statistics.— Births : Male, 29 ; female, 23 : total, 52. Deaths : Male, 10 ; female, 9 : total, 19. Marriages : 9. Trade and Shipping. —The orange crop was very light, being only sufficient for two steamers. Very few tomatoes were planted owing to the uncertainty of shipping. The island is capable of producing very fine tomatoes and bananas if only the growers could be assured of transport. The price of copra has fallen still farther during the year, and as a result only a small amount was made. Exports were : 7,500 cases of oranges, 96 cases of tomatoes, 39 tons of copra, and 5 tons of coffee. Roads. —The provision of a new motor-truck has been of inestimable service in putting the roads of the island in good order, and also in facilitating the work of the soil sanitation scheme. It is hoped that the road round the island will soon be completed—the lack of explosives alone preventing this being done during the last hurricane season. Water-supply. —A new concrete tank of a capacity of 5,500 gallons has been built at the Makatea village. Another similar tank is in course of construction at Oneroa. Soil Sanitation. —The work in connection with this scheme has been carried out during the hurricane season under the direction of the Sanitation Officer. Latrines for the whole island were completed, with the exception of a few holes which will have to wait for explosives. The people have given whole-hearted support to the scheme, and show keen appreciation of the great benefit to be expected therefrom. High Court. —The following cases were disposed of during the year : Criminal jurisdiction, 866 ; civil jurisdiction, 6. Schools. —The numbers of pupils on the school rolls are as follow : — Boys. Girls. Total. Oneroa .. .. .. .. . . 91 72 163 Tamarua .. .. .. ..44 27 71 Ivirua 60 52 112 Grand total .. .. .. .. .. 346 I