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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services


ofpei. Item - 1934-35. VOTE No. 29.—HEALTH—continued. 1934-35 Othbb Charges fob and incidental to —continued. £ £ General Administration —continued. 9 Grant to widow, equivalent to leave due to officer (deceased) ... ... ... 47 10 Law-costs (part recoverable) ... ... 40 11 Maternity homes, refund of fees ... ... 20 12 Office-cleaning ... ... ... 70 13 Office fittings and requisites ... ... 170 14 Overtime and meal allowances ... ... 30 15 Palmerston North Hospital Board: Grant towards cost of repairs to Otaki Sanatorium ... ... 100 16 Postage and telegrams ... ... ... 1,400 17 Printing and stationery ... ... ... 950 18 Private maternity homes: St. Helens patients' expenses ... ... ... ... 100 19 Quackery Prevention Act ... ... ... 5 20 Rent ... ... ... 1,130 21 Rest-homes for destitute and old people: Special rates on land purchased at Otaki ... ... 2 22 Services rendered byLegislative Department: Caretakers' £ services, charing, &c. ... ... 725 Post and Telegraph Department: Collection of receipts ... ... 45 Other Departments: Miscellaneous services ... ... ... 10 780 23 Stores and material ... ... ... 100 24 , Telephone services (including installations, extensions, maintenance, rent, and calls) ... ... 1,100 25 : Transfer and removal expenses ... ... 300 26 Transfer expenses and maintenance, New Zealand lepers at Makogai ... ... ... 440 27 Travelling allowances and expenses (part recoverable) 4,100 Typewriters — 28 Purchase of ... ... ... 30 29 Maintenance of ... ... ... 40 • Waikato Hospital Board— 30 Structural alterations and renovations to King George V Hospital, Rotorua ... ... 4,055 31 Payment for hospital treatment afforded at Rotorua Hospital to members of the Ngati Whakaue sub-tribe of the Arawas ... ... 1,250 32 Waipawa Hospital Board : Grant towards cost of renovations to Pukeora Sanatorium ... ... 250 33 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to other items of the vote . . ... 10 17,544 Dangerous Drugs Act (part recoverable) — 34 Other expenses ... ... ... 10 35 Rewards for detection of offences ... ... 50 60 Health Act — 36 Board of Health : Expenses (including fees to members) ... ... ... 30 37 Compensation payable under Health Act ... 5 38 Disinfectants, purchase of (part recoverable) ... 50 39 Infectious diseases (part recoverable) ... ... | 375 40 Inspection of vessels (part recoverable) ... ... ! 800