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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


Number n em Of Persons. ' V OTE No. 28.—TEANSPOET—continued. 1984-35. 1934—35. 1 Salabies—continued. £ £ Non-permanents—continued. £ 1 at £218 (8 months) ... ... 145 1 at £175 (8 months) ... ... 117 1 at £166 ... ... 166 1 at £163 (7 months), £151 (5 months)... 158 1 at £151 ... ... 15! 1 at £117 ... ... 117 1 at £92 ... 92 1 at £70 ... ... 70 15 1 at £70 (7 months), £58 (5 months) ... 65 j — 2,606 Other Charges for and incidental to — ' 2 Advertising, books, newspapers, and other publications 450 3 Annual license fee under Motor-vehicles Act, 1924, for car owned by P. E. Barnett, Kakahi ... 4 4 Ex gratia grant to G. D. Tod ... ... 10 { 5 Motor-vehicle accident statistics ... ... 350 6 Office furniture, fittings, and requisites ... ... 300 7 Overtime and meal allowances .. ... 300 8 Postage and telegrams ... ... 250 9 Printing and stationery ... ... ... 7g8 Services rendered by— 10 Census Office ... ... 5 11 Post and Telegraph Department ... ... 5 12 Telephone services (including installation, extensions, maintenance, rent, and calls) ... ... 150 Transport Law Amendment Act, 1933— 13 Allowances and expenses of Transport Co-ordination m Board ••• ... ... ! 2,300 Transport Licensing Act, 1931— 14 Allowances and expenses of licensing authorities ... 1 3,845 15 Brake-testing machines ... ... i 167 i 16 Conference of Chairmen of licensing authorities ... 180 Overalls and satchels for vehicle inspectors 5 18 Purchase of mechanical office appliances ... 127 19 Purchase of motor-car ... ... ... 210 20 Eamp for inspection of passenger-service vehicles 48 21 Befunds of fees ... ... ... 300 Services of— 22 Public Works Department ... ... 5,500 23 Eegistrar of Motor-vehicles ... ... ' 200 24 Traffic control ... ... 450 25 Travelling-expenses and transfer of officers ... 700 26 Contingencies ... ... 10 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Eevenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote)—I Miscellaneous ... ... £31 16,664 Gross Total ... ... ... 26,103 Credits-in-aid ... ... ... ... 31 NET TOTAL—VOTE No. 28 ... —- 26,072