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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services


ofp™, Itora - 1934-35. VOTE No. 24,— AGRICULTURE— continued. _ 1934-35. Subdivision No. III. —Horticulture Division. £ £ 50 SalariesProfessional Division. Glass A— 1 1 at £651 (Director) . ... ... 651 Glass B— 1 1 at £502 ... ... 502 Clerical Division. Class IV— 1 1 at £361 ... ... ... 361 Glass VI — 2 2 at £285 ... ... ... 570 Class VII— £ 2 at £251 ... ... 502 3 1 at £139 ... ... 139 641 General Division. 1 at £425 ... ... 425 2 at £383 ... ... 766 10 at £353 ... ... 3,530 4 at £323 ... ... 1,292 10 at £302 ... ... 3,020 3 at £281 ... .. 843 7 at £255 ... ... 1,785 1 ac £255 (4 months) ... ... 85 3 at £224 ... ... 672 1 at £189 ... ... 189 43 1 at £184 ... ... 184 12,791 Non-permanents. 1 at £398 ... ... 398 2 1 at (J month) ... ... 7 " i 405 53 Allowances for performing special or higher duties under Public Service Regulations Nos. 24a and 209 | 41 ' Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) — j Services to other Departments, &c. £1,750 15,962 Other Charges for and incidental to — 51 Apiary Industry : Purchase of beekeeping requisites, material for experiments, &c. ... ... 100 Bicycles and motors— 52 Purchase of ... ... ... 220 53 Maintenance and running cost of ... ... 550 Fruit Industry— 54 Collection of fireblight tax (recoverable) ... 10 55 Collection of orchard-tax (recoverable) ... 50 56 Cool-storage and horticultural experiments ... 25 57 Control of fireblight disease ... ... 10 58 Fumigation and destruction of diseased fruit (recoverable) ... ... ... 75 59 Orchard requisites, &e. ... ... ... 10 60 Horticultural Station, Te Kauwhata: Wages and general working-expenses, purchase of stock, &c. (recoverable) ... ... ... 3,500 61 Law-costs ... ... ... 10 |