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Appropriations for Consolidated, Fund Services.


Number Tt „„ of Person#. ' 1934—35. VOTE No. 24.—AGRICULTURE—continued. 1934 35. Subdivision No. II.—Live-stock Division—continued. £ £ 22 Salaries—continued. General Division. £ 1 at £459 (4 months) ... ... 153 2 at £459 (3 months) .. ... 230 1 at £425 ... ... 425 2 at £400 (9 months), £383 (3 months) ... 792 2 at £400 (8 months), £383 (4 months) ... 789 10 at £383 ... ... 3,830 1 at £370 (4 months), £357 (8 months) ... 361 1 at £361 ... ... 361 2 at £353 ... ... 706 37 at £323 ... ... 11,951 1 at £303 ... ... 303 43 at £289 ... 12,427 23 at £281 ... ... 6,463 1 at £276 (6 months), £268 (6 months)... 272 1 at £272 ... ... 272 1 at £264 ... ... 264 2 at £264 (6 months), £255 (6 months) ... 519 25 at £255 ... ... 6,375 1 at £251 ... ... 251 2 at £238 ... ... 476 8 at £238 (6 months) ... ... 952 12 at £234 ... ... 2,808 1 at £230 ... ... 230 2 at £224 ... ... 448 1 at £221 ... ... 221 1 at £215 ... ... 215 4 at £206 ... ... 824 1 at £197 (1J months) ... ... 19 190 1 at £180 ... ... 180 53,117 N ON-PERMANENTS. 1 at £251 ... ... 251 8 at £230 ... ... 1,840 6 at £229 (8 months), (seasonal) ... 916 8 at £229 (7 months), (seasonal) ... 1,069 15 at £229 (6 months), (seasonal) ... 1,717 4 at £229 (4 months), (seasonal) ... 305 3 at £224 (6 months), £215 (6 months) ... 659 1 at £205 ... .. 205 1 at £163 (11 months), £152 (1 month)... 162 1 at £152 (5 months), £140 (7 months) ... 145 1 at £70 (9 months), £59 (3 months) ... 67 1 at £42 .., ... 42 1 at £42 (7 months) ... ... 25 52 1 at £34 ... ... 34 7,437 280 Allowances for performing special or higher duties under Public Service Regulations Nos. 24a and 209 222 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) — Recoveries from local bodies, &c. £2,500 75,656 Less amounts provided but not required ... 521 75,135 Other Charges for and incidental to— Bicycles and motors — 23 i Purchase of ... ... ... 875 24 j Maintenance and running-cost of ... ... 1,500