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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


Number j. of Persona. " em - 1934-35. ' VOTE No. 22,—MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC 1934-35. WORKS AND SERVICES—continued. £ £ Subdivision No. I. —Public Buildings—continued. 1 Salaries—continued. Cleeical Division—continued. Glass VI— 2 2 at £284 19s. ... .. ... 570 Class VII— 2 2 at £250 18s. ... ... ... 502 , General Division. £ 1 at £416 15s. ... ... 417 2 1 at £250 18s. ... ... 251 668 N ON-PEEMANENTS. 1 at £315 ... 315 2 1 at £163 16s. ... 164 "17 — 5,157 Other Charges for and incidental to— 2 Accident compensation, sick-pay, holiday pay, and special leave to workmen ... ... ... 200 3 Advertising, photographs, books, newspapers, and other publications ... ... ... 20 Expenses in addition to or in excess of amount provided under the Civil List Act, 1920 : Government Houses, Auckland and Wellington— 4 Fuel, light, water, and cleaning, also outbuildings and grounds ... ... ... g00 5 Telephone services (including installation, extensions, maintenance, rent, and calls) ... 150 6 Government House, Auckland (maintenance) ... 1,300 7 Government House, Auckland: Temporary accommodation and other miscellaneous expenses ... 50 8 Government House, Wellington (maintenance) ... 2,000 9 Government Houses, Auckland and Wellington: Household furnishings, &c. ... ... 800 Government Buildings throughout the Dominion— 10 Office requisites, fuel, light, power, water, cleaning, scavenging, and other annual services (£800 recoverable) ... ... ... 1 550 11 Courthouses ... ... ... 5 000 12 Customhouses ... ... ... 300 13 Departmental Buildings ... ... ... 8 500 14 Gaols ... ... ... 1^470 15 Mental Hospitals ... ... ... n 500 16 Police-stations ... ... ... g 700 17 Quarantine Stations ... ... ... 'l00 18 Other Government Buildings ... ... 1 300 19 Rents (£8,600 recoverable) ... 8*900 20 High Commissioner's Office: Proportion of salaries 120 21 Lyttelton Borough Council, for extra water supplied to Government Departments (part recoverable from other Departments) ... ... ... 100 22 Parliamentary Buildings ... ... ... 3,000 23 Postages, telegrams, and telephone services (including installation, extensions, maintenance, rent, and calls) 120