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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


Item " 1934-35. VOTE No. 21.—DEFENCE—continued. 1934-35. " Subdivision No. V.—N.Z. Army Ordnance Corps and £ £ Civilian Staff attached. 5 Pat— Military Personnel — 1 1 Major ... ... ... 523 2 2 Captains: 1 at £438, 1 at £412f ... ... 851 5 5 Lieutenants: 2 at £327£, 2 at £285, 1 at £255 ... 1,480 3 3 Warrant Officers, Class I : 1 at £326, 1 at £310J, 1 at £303 ... ... ... 940 4 4 Warrant Officers, Class II: 3 at £303, 1 at £287 1,196 6 6 Staff Sergeants: 4 at £287, 2 at £262-| (1 for 11 months only) ... ... ... 1,651 3 3 Sergeants at £279| ... ... ... 839 3 3 Corporals: 2 at £268, 1 at £242 ... ... 778 5 5 Privates at £231 (3 for 9 months only) ... 982 Civilian Personnel— £ 1 at £272 ... ... 272 1 at £259 ... ... 259 10 at £251 ... ... 2,510 1 at £247 ... ... 247 1 at £242 ... ... 242 37 at £224-| (1 for 11 months, 5 for 9 months only) ... ... 8,002 3 at £215i ... ... 647 lat£197| ... ... 198 6 at (4 for 9 months only) ... 853 2 at £109 (9 months only) ... ... 164 3 at £72 (2 for 9 months, 1 for 8 months, and £55 for 4 months) ... ... 174 1 at £55 ... ... 55 72 5 at £41 (2 for 9 months onlv) ... 185 " 13,808 104 Cadets' lodging-allowance ... ... ... 47 Total —Subdivision No. V ... 23,095 Subdivision No. VI.—N.Z. Army Service Corps and N.Z. Army Medical Corps. 6 Pay— 1 1 Hon. Lieutenant ... ... ... 326 1 1 Warrant Officer, Class I ... ... ... 319 2 2 Warrant Officers, Class II, at £303 ... ... 606 1 1 Sergeant at £233 ... ... ... 233 2 2 Corporals: 1 at £268, 1 at £233 ... ... 501 1 1 Private ... ... ... 158 8 Total—Subdivision No. VI ... 2,143 Subdivision No. VII.—General Duty Section (Creiv G.S.S. " Janie Seddon"). 7 Pay— 2 2 Warrant Officers, Class I: 1 at £326 (S.M. Coxswain), 1 at £285 ... ... ... 611 1 1 Warrant Officer, Class II ... ... ... 257 1 1 Lance-Corporal ... ... ... 256 4 Total—Subdivision No. VII ... 1,124