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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


JXSSi. 1 " m - 1934-36. VOTE No. 17,—JUSTICE AND PRISONS — 1934-35. continued. £ £ Subdivision No. I. —Justice —continued. Supreme, Magistrates', and Wardens' Courts —contd. I 31 i Salabies—continued. I Allowances to officers performing special duties under Public Service Regulations 24a and 209 ... 164 Unclassified. £ 4 Stipendiary Magistrates at £826 18s.... 3,308 24 Stipendiary Magistrates at £744 4s. 17 ,860 1 Magistrate for Chatham Islands, appointed under Section 11 of the Magistrates' Courts Act, 1928 ... 224 38 9 Associates to Judges at £170 ... 1,530 22,922 290 87,940 Less amount chargeable to " Mortgagors Relief Commission," for services of Court officers acting as Secretaries ... ... 3,488 Less amount chargeable to " Regis-trar-General's Office," for services of Court officers engaged on Registration work ... ... 1,140 4,628 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) — Proportion of fees under— £ Auctioneers Act, 1928 500 Land Agents Act, 1921-22 700 Salaries as Clerks, Licensing Committees ... ... 1,050 Miscellaneous ... ... 250 2,500 83,312 Otheb Chabges fob and incidental to — Allowances to— 32 Chief Bailiffs acting as Maintenance Officers (20 officers) ... ... 485 33 Officers acting as Inspectors of Factories (8 officers) 185 34 Police Constables acting as Clerks of Courts ... 1,102 35 Allowance to Secretary, Rules Committee ... 30 36 Commuted allowance for typing notes of evidence : 9 Associates to Judges at £85 ... ... 765 37 Mileage fees paid to Bailiffs (recoverable) ... 6,000 38 Office-cleaners ... ... ... 1,470 39 Rents ... ... ... 470 40 Transfer and removal expenses ... ... 400