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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


Number t*„™ of Persons. ' 1934—35. 1934 35 VOTE No. 14.—NATIVE—continued. — & & Subdivision No. I.—Native—continued. Miscellaneous Services— Chabges fok and incidental to — 2 Advertising, photographs, books, newspapers, and other publications ... ... ... 130 3 Agent's commission ... ... ... 10 4 Audit fees ... ... ... 150 5 Clearing Native lands of noxious weeds, under Section 12 of Noxious Weeds Act, 1908 ... ... 2,000 6 Compensation to Natives for Taranaki lands ... 5,000 7 Confiscated and other Native lands (on account) ... 25 Consolidation of Native lands— 8 Administration expenses (including expenses of Native meetings) ... ... ... 250 9 Valuation fees (including topographical surveys) 25 10 Contribution towards cost of memorials to representative Maoris ... ... 50 11 Contribution towards cost of New Zealand Gazette and printing Court and Board Panuis ... 925 12 Destruction of rabbits on Native lands: Wages and other expenses ... ... ... 1,500 13 Economic survey of Native race, expenses of (part recoverable) ... ... ... 230 14 Fees to Supervisors, Native Interpreters'examination 5 15 Freight, cartage, and transport charges... ... 100 16 Fuel, light, power, water, and cleaning ... ... 125 17 Health Department : Services of Health Inspector 50 18 Law-costs ... ... ... 50 Maori Arts and Crafts Board— 19 Administration expenses ... ... ... 641 20 Grant for carving material, tools, and equipment, and accommodation of carvers and pupils ... 200 21 Maori meeting at Waitangi, February, 1934, balance of expenses of ... ... ... 1,500 22 Motor-vehicles, maintenance and repairs of ... 600 Office fittings, &c.— 23 Purchase of ... ... ... 500 24 Maintenance and repairs of ... 100 25 Overtime and meal allowances ... ... 400 26 Postages, telegrams, rent of boxes, and telephones ... 1,750 27 Post and Telegraph Department: Payment for services ... ... ... no 28 Printing and stationery (part recoverable) ... 1,500 29 Public Service Superannuation Fund: Native Trustee's contribution towards ... ... 133 Recoupment to Public Works Fund— 30 Amount written off the principal moneys owing in respect of survey liens (on account) ... 5,000 31 Scheme produce used for relief of distress amongst Maoris ... ... ... 600 32 Eent ... ... ... 350 33 Soil sanitation : Contribution towards cost of installation of a privy system in centres of Maori population as a means of safeguarding the health of these communities ... ... ... 125 34 Transfer and removal expenses ... ... 200 35 Travelling allowances and expenses (part recoverable) 3,000 36 Water supplied by Ohinemuri County to Native settlements on the banks of the Ohinemuri River 50 37 Water-supply, Motiti Island, grant towards installation of ... ... ... 100