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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


Number j tem _ of Persons. ' V0TE No 5 _ LAND AND INCOME TAX 1934-35. —continued. 1934-35. 1 Salahies—continued. £ £ Amount provided but not required ... ... 10 Estimated eredits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926— Amount recoverable from Stamp Duties Department, Unemployment Board, and Internal Affairs Department in respect of officers' £ services ... ... 2,294 48,854 Othkk Chakges foe and incidental to — — 2 Advertising, photographs, books, newspapers, and other publications ... ... ... 675 3 Alterations to office (part recoverable) ... ... 425 4 Cost of obtaining c.i.f. prices of wool and pelts for use in assessment of certain freezing companies ... 20 5 Law-costs (part recoverable) .. .. 2,000 6 Office equipment (furniture, fittings, and machines) 400 7 Overtime and meal allowances (part recoverable) ... 950 8 Postage, telegrams, rent of boxes, freight, and cartage 2,750 9 Printing and stationery ... ... ... 2,400 10 Refunds of unclaimed moneys (Unclaimed Monevs Act, 1908, and Finance Act, 1932, Part IV) 250 11 Rent of offices ... ... ... 40 12 Repairs and renewals to office equipment ... 230 Services rendered by other Departments— 13 Post and Telegraph Department: Receiving landtax and income-tax ... ... ... 2,100 14 Valuation Department : Valuations of land for tax purposes ... ... ... 8,581 15 Telephone services (including installation, extensions, maintenance, rent, and calls) ... ... 210 16 Travelling allowances and expenses ... ... 1,000 17 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote ... 86 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) — Alterations to office ... ... £75 Law-costs ... ... 1,300 Travelling allowances and expenses recoverable from Stamp Duties Department and Unemployment Board in respect of services of Inspectors ... 20 Overtime ... ... 300 Printing and stationery ... 60 Postage and telegrams ... 60 1,815 22,117 GKOSS Total . ... ... 70,971 Cbedits-in-aid (a)... ... ... ... 4,109 NET TOTAL—VOTE No. 5 ... ... 66,862 (a) Creditsin-aid— 1934-35. £ Salaries . . . . 2,294 Other charge? 1,815 Totals 4,109