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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


Number Item 1Q34—8/5 Of Persons. VOTE No. 4.—CUSTOMS—continued. xyo± °°- 1934-35. Subdivision No. I. — Customs Offices and Services — continued. £ £ 1 Salaries—continued. Non-pekmanents—continued. £ 1 at £131 ... ... 131 8 1 at £128 ... ... 128 Others not specified ... ... 595 321 2,037 Coastwaiter at sub-port (not being classified Customs officer) ... ... ... 14 Allowances under Public Service Regulations 24a and 209 to officers temporarily performing special or higher duties ... ... ... 359 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote)Charges for services rendered to other Government Departments, &c. — £ Collection of duty on motor-spirits ... 16,550 Collection of tire-tax ... ... 800 New Zealand Dairy-produce Control Board ... ... 500 New Zealand Honey Control Board ... 10 New Zealand Meat Producers' Board 300 Miscellaneous ... ... 650 18,810 90,692 Otheb Charges fob and incidental to — — 2 Advertising, photographs, books, newspapers, and other publications ... ... ... 30 3 Advisory Committee on Literature : Payment for services ... ... ... 21 4 Head Office aiid local offices — £ Launch-hire ... ... 325 Lighting, heating, and fuel ... 300 Sundry expenses ... ... 380 Uniforms for officers ... ... 250 1,255 5 Immigration Restriction Act, administrative expenses ... ... ... 100 | 6 Office-cleaning ... ... ... 150 ' 7 Office fittings and requisites... ... ... 200 Official Representatives, London — 8 Special allowances while stationed away from New Zealand ... ... ... 419 9 Travelling and general expenses ... — 300 Official Representative, New York'— 10 Special allowance while stationed away from New Zealand ... ... ... 279 11 Travelling and general expenses ... ... 1,800 12 Overtime and meal allowances ... ... 1,300 13 Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes ... .. 1,000 14 Printing and stationery ... ... ... 1,400 15 Prosecutions and seizures and legal expenses ... 50 16 Rent of offices ... ... ... 640 17 Rewards in connection with the protection of the revenue and the detection of offences against the Customs Acts or the Immigration Restriction Acts 325 Services rendered by other Departments— 18 Police ... ... ••• 10 19 Post and Telegraph ... ... ... 600 20 Tourist ... ... ... 41