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Experimental Nursery. —Heavy continuous rains experienced during the year caused the nursery to become inundated on three occasions. This had the effect of causing the total loss of a large number of teak seedlings besides a small percentage of rough lemon seedlings and young propagated trees* The persistent rainy weather has caused a severe check in general cultural work. Intensive work has been carried out in the raising of citrus seedlings and general propagation work. Eight hundred and ninety good-quality citrus trees have been distributed to growers besides several hundred rough lemon seedlings. Large quantities of budwood have been provided to growers and practical assistance in propagation offered where growers are working their own nurseries. All citrus trees on the nursery have been pruned, sprayed, and fertilized. The imported Veimama banana shoots continue to grow well and are now bearing fruit. They are, however, being kept under observation for a further period, before shoots are distributed. Requests from the Northern Group islands for food-plants have been complied with. The usual miscellaneous plants raised on the nursery have been distributed to growers.

Planting Statistics for Districts of Rarotonga for Year ended 31st March, 1934.

HIGH COURT. Rarotonga. Criminal Jurisdiction. —Generally, crime is not serious, and the increase in the number of cases over the previous year is probably due to the greater vigilance of the police. Civil Jurisdiction. —During the year sixty-seven civil cases were dealt with. An analysis of same is set out hereunder : 23 actions for debt, involving a total sum of £616 10s. lid. ; 1 action for judgment summons, involving a sum of £57 14s. 9d. ; 13 actions for damages, involving a total sum of £89 13s. 4d. ; 1 motion for charging-order (section 139, 1915 Act), £109 2s. 10d. ; 2 actions for possession ; 1 action for maintenance ; 1 application for grant of probate ; 4 applications for grant of letters of administration ; 21 petitions for divorce —Rarotonga 13, Aitutaki 1, Penrhyn 5, Pukapuka 2. General. —During the year under review the Chief Judge made two visits to the islands of the Lower Group—Aitutaki, Mangaia, Atiu, Mauke, and Mitiaro ; and one visit to the Northern Group islands —Palmerston, Manihiki, Rakahanga, and Penrhyn. High Court work was attended to on the visits ; the more serious cases being dealt with at Mauke during the presence there of the Inspector of Police, who also visited the islands of the Lower Group. The general work of the High Court in the outer islands of the Group is not incorporated in this report, and is shown in the reports of the respective Resident Agents. Mr. Stephen Savage, Registrar of Courts, has retired on superannuation, having been attached to the Cook Islands Administration since the annexation of the Territory in 1900. NATIVE LAND COURT. During the year sixty-four applications, involving eighty-seven orders, were dealt with by the Court at Rarotonga as follows : Applications for amendment, 1 ; applications for confirmation of leases, 2 ; applications for succession, 58 ; applications re disputed tribal titles, 3 : total, 64. Nine days were occupied in the hearing of two strongly disputed cases concerning a " Mataiapo title," and the ownership of certain lands connected therewith. These cases were contested at length, both parties having engaged the services of New Zealand solicitors, one of whom attended and conducted the case for his clients. POST OFFICE. During the hurricane season money-order and savings-bank business was temporarily suspended at the offices of Aitutaki, Mauke, and Atiu to enable the postmasters to proceed on furlough. Otherwise the usual services have been maintained throughout the Group. Savings-bank. —This section of the work is summarized as follows : Deposits, £12,458 3s. Bd. ; withdrawals, £11,238 11s. 6d. ; deposits exceed withdrawals by £1,219 12s. 2d. (1932-33 : Withdrawals exceeded deposits by £974 13s. 4d.). Accounts : Accounts closed, 58 ; new accounts, 136 : increase, 78. Total number of accounts open 31st March, 1934, 1,315. Total amount at credit of depositors, £24,151 6s. 9d. (The amount at credit of depositors, including interest, shows an increase of £1,885 Bs. for the year.) The rate of interest earned by depositors was reduced from 3 per cent, (on amounts up to £500) to 2| per cent, from Ist August, 1933.


District. j Bananas. Taro. j Kuraaras. | Arrowroot. Breadfruit. | Yams. Pines. Citrus. I ! j I ' I Takuvaine .. 20,830 27,600 9,410 3,300 45 2,810 1,460 35 Avatiu .. 25,360 21,900 8,800 3,410 .. 120 .. 1,396 Nikao .. 17,500 5,750 14,470 2,520 .. 210 Arorangi .. 43,010 71,300 65,800 12,130 50 1,800 560 486 Titikaveka .. 19,360 71,240 44,520 5,470 32 10,130 2,660 1,224 Muri .. .. 2,680 21,570 8,400 3,900 20 2,660 530 1,447 Ngatangiia .. 4,420 20,890 31,910 9,220 .. 3,120 .. 321 Matavera .. 12,300 19,890 20,600 10,105 .. 20 620 Tupapa .. 18,700 16,950 6,770 6,670 .. 1,790 .. 164 Totals .. 164,160 277,090 210,680 56,725 147 22,660 5,830 5,073