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Table No. 11. PUBLIC WORKS FUND. Statement showing the Net Expenditure under Appropriations for the Year ended 31st March, 1934, compared with the Year ended 31st March, 1933.


Yesr ended Ye&r ended inprpniA Dprrpasfi Vote 31st March, 1934. 31st March, 1933. Increase. i>ecrea..e. £ £ £ £ Public Works, Departmental .. .. 98,703 104,904 .. 6,201 Railway-construction .. .. Cr. 13,894 69,603 .. 83,497 Railways Improvement and Additions to 146,005 91,250 54,755 Open Lines Public Buildings— General .. .. .. .. 642 2,107 .. 1,465 Courthouses .. .. .. 72 970 .. 898 Education Buildings .. .. 52,239 52,623 .. 384 Prison Buildings and Works .. 1,018 2,026 .. 1,008 Police-stations .. .. .. 74 1,022 .. 948 Postal and Telegraph .. .. 21,078 2,763 18,315 Mental Hospital Buildings .. .. 73,021 28,756 44,265 Health and Hospital Institutions .. 1,248 300 948 Timber-supply and Sawmills, &c. .. * Acquisition and Operation of Quarries .. * Lighthouses .. .. .. 1,276 688 588 .. Harbour-works .. .. .. 11,988 Cr. 5,277 17,265 Development of Tourist Resorts .. 13,510 14,454 .. 944 Roads, &c. .. .. .. .. 359,671 396,559 .. 36,888 Telegraph Extension .. .. .. 144,160 99,999 44,161 Lands, Miscellaneous .. .. 71,825 38,906 32,919 Irrigation, Water-supply, and Drainage.. 66,838 53,290 13,548 Swamp Land Drainage .. .. 13,959 14,807 .. 848 Plant, Material, and Services .. .. 1,421 Cr. 45,463 46,884 Settlement of Unemployed Workers .. 172,109 118,722 53,387 Native Land Settlement .. .. 179,485 .. 179,485 506,520 133,081 133,081 Totals .. .. .. 1,416,448 1,043,009 373,439 ♦ Now included under " Plant, Materia], and Services."