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B.—l [Pt. IV].

DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AFFAlRS—continued. Combined Income and Expenditure Account fob the Year ended 31st March, 1933. (Including Subdivisions I to VIII and Special Acts.) Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. To Balances from separate accounts as under — £ s. d. By Balance from separate accounts as under— Head Office .. .. .. .. 490,924 10 11 Explosives Branch .. .. .. 2,815 11 4 Government Actuary .. .. .. 1,112 11 0 Balance carried to Combined Balance-sheet 536,339 3 2 High Commissioner .. .. .. 42,663 11 3 Museum .. .. .. .. 4,454 1 4 £539,154 14 6 £539,154 14 6 1 ' = = Note.—The following charges are included for which the Department possesses no parliamentary appropriation : (a) Interest at 4J per cent, on capital; (6) rental assessed by Public Works Department. Combined Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1933. (Including Subdivisions I to VIII and Special Acts.) Liabilities. Assets. Capital as at 31st March, 1933— £ s. d. £ s. d. Departmental assets : Head Office Public Works Fund .. .. 180,299 18 3 and Sub-Departments— £ s. d. £ s. d, Consolidated Fund .. .. 194,936 17 7 Land .. .. .. 12,633 10 6 — 375,236 15 10 Buildings .. .. .. 171,597 7 1 Creditors — Consumable stores .. .. 577 6 4 Departmental .. .. 1,010 11 4 Tools and utensils .. .. 560 2 4 Sundry .. .. .. 6,166 8 2 Furniture and fittings .. 17,965 18 3 7,176 19 6 Mechanical appliances .. 3,658 1 1 Payments in advance — Motor-vehicles .. .. 3,718 12 4 Loans .. .. .. 49 16 8 Bicycles .. .. .. 9 9 6 Rent .. .. .. 4 8 6 Library .. .. .. 3,334 0 4 —■ 54 5 2 Photographic apparatus .. 448 9 8 Depreciation Reserve .. .. .. 49,708 5 0 — 214,502 17 5 Writings-off in Suspense .. .. .. 1,756 19 2 Special departmental assets— Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. 484,493 19 8 Head Office— Turnbull Library building .. 9,292 4 5 Turnbull Library .. .. 57,462 1 3 Fish-hatcheries .. .. 3,130 15 10 Wharves and beacons .. 295 0 0 Launches .. .. 321 18 4 Traps, horses, and dogs .. 22 0 0 Camp outfit: Inspector under Animals Protection and Game Act .. .. 22 14 4 Camp equipment .. .. 128 14 11 Hunting equipment .. 59 4 1 Stock of deer-skins .. 450 12 10 71,185 6 0 High Commissioner— Lease of buildings.. .. 20,425 0 0 Lease of buildings : Suspense Account .. .. 14,623 0 2 Motor accessories .. .. 10 0 0 35,058 0 2 Museum exhibits .. .. .. 54,725 3 2 Explosives Branch : Explosives appliances .. 216 1 11 Debtors— £ s. d. Departmental .. .. 1,238 12 ' 7 Sundry .. .. .. 2,498 19 0 Stranded Ncw-Zealanders .. 9G6 1 9 4,643 13 4 Losses in Suspense .. .. .. 1,756 19 2 Excess of expenditure over income .. 536,339 3 2 £918,427 4 4 £918,427 4 4 Malcolm Fraser, Under-Secretary. F. B. Dwyer, A.R.A.N.Z., Accountant. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the above departmental note. —J. H. Fowler, Deputy Controller and Auditor-General.