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B.—l [Pt. IV].

ELECTRIC SUPPLY ACCOUNT— continued. LAKE COLERIDGE HYDRO-ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY— continued. Balance-sheet at 31st March, 1933.

I hereby certify that the Balance-sheet and accompanying accounts have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.


1931-32. Liabilities. 1932-33. 1931-32. Assets. 1932-33. £ s. d. j £ s. d. £ s. d. | £ s. a. Works at Lake Coleridge — £ s. d. £ s. d. 211,752 8 2 i Depreciation Reserve .. .. .. .. 244,866 17 11 784,252 16 1 Headworks, power-house machinery, build- .. 784,652 11 7 — ■ j ings, &c. 174.249 7 9 I Reserve Fund .. .. .. ..' .. 195,475 2 2 391,434 0 0 Transmission-lines .. .. .. .. 540,554 16 6 Sinking Fund Reserve — 110,242 0 0| Amount utilized for redemption of loans .. 110,342 0 0 83,623 8 4 Available for further redemptions .. 112,486 1 7 113,625 5 5 | Substation, Addington .. .. .. .. 131,840 7 11 i 222,828 1 7 97,264 12 10 Diesel station, Lyttelton .. .. .. .. 97.439 8 5 193,865 8 4 | 168,132 10 9 ; Distribution .. .. .. .. .. 21S,740 10 6 7,810 18 4 Service transformers and meters .. .. .. 9,393 2 6 27,237 16 8 ! Plant, equipment, &c. .. .. .. .. 27,232 5 9 Sundry creditors— 109,685 5 3 Salaries, and engineering, office, and general .. 113,842 15 2 5,995 15 7 Public Works Department .. .. 7,881 5 8 expenses on preliminary surveys and con345 4 11 Other Government Departments .. 491 0 4 struction 6,623 3 5 Non-departmental .. .. .. 4,239 9 1 33,616 0 0 Cost of raising loans .. .. .. .. 43,347 5 3 12,611 15 1 69,437 15 3 Interest during construction .. .. .. 86,840 6 2 12,964 3 11 1,802,497 0 7 2,053,883 9 9 Writings-off in suspense .. .. .. .. 17 17 9 20,285 6 1 Stocks of material .. .. .. .. 21,237 3 9 Balance carried to general balance-sheet — 1,933,419 10 8 Total assets as per contra .. .. 2,193,171 1 2 44,998 0 3 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. .. 26,06119 2 592.831 8 2 legs total liabilities as above .. 675,799 14 6 40 14 10 Payments in advance .. .. .. .. 41 3 7 1,517,371 6 8 65,598 8 11 Sinking-fund investments . . .. .. .. 91,947 4 11 1,340,588 2 6 1,933,419 10 8 2,193,171 1 2 1,933,419 10 8 .. 2,193,171 1 2