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B.—l [Pt. IVI

ELCCTRIC SUPPLY ACCOUNT— continued. LAKE COLERIDGE HYDRO-ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY. Profit and Loss Account for Year ended 31st March, 1933, compared with Year ended 31st March, 1932. Gross Revenue Account.


1931-32. 1932-33. 1931-32. 1932-33. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Sale of energy— £ s. d. £ s. d. 8,712 15 0 To Generating expenses, headworks, and power- .. 7,930 3 11 ; 216,345 18 4 Wholesale .. .. .. .. 211,083 16 3 house 36 7 1 Retail .. .. .. .. 33 5 3 5,753 0 9 Transmission-lines, maintenance, &c. .. .. 9,934 7 4 - 211 117 1 6 3,187 12 11 Substation, Addington, operation and main- .. 3,359 15 0 216,382 5 5 tenance 6,054 11 11 Distribution .. .. .. .. .. 6,891 14 3 Discounts forfeited, fines, &c. .. .. 29 5 5 2,802 11 0 Power purchased in bulk .. .. .. .. 6 15 10 iess—Writings-off in suspense .. 17 17 9 3,752 19 1 Stand-by provision .. .. .. .. 20,803 18 6 11 7 8 6,981 5 10 Management and general expenses .. .. 8,859 13 7 - Rents — 37,244 16 6 57,779 12 7 1,282 3 0 Land and buildings .. .. 1,620 8 8 180,951 4 7 Balance, to Net Revenue Account .. .. 155,565 4 3 185 1 6 Electric lines .. .. .. 190 14 9 181 13 8 Electric plant .. .. .. 270 12 5 . . 2,081 15 10 1,648 18 2 158 1 8 Pees for testing and repairing electrical ap- .. 1341110 pliances and earnings of motor-vehicles £218,196 1 1 £213,344 16 10 £218,196 1 1 £213,344 16 10 Net Revenue Account. £ s - d - £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s . d. £ s. d. 12,500 5 7 To Depreciation on completed work .. .. .. 29,552 2 8 180,951 4 7 By Balance from Gross Revenue Account .. .. 155 565 4 3 73,484 10 9 Interest for year ended 31st March .. .. .. 84,248 10 6 94,966 8 3 Balance, to Profit and Loss Appropriation Account .. 41,764 11 I £180.951 4 7 £155,565 4 3 £180,951 4 7 £155,565 4 3