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Laid on the Table of the House of Representatives.

ORDERS OF REFERENCE. Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Tuesday, the 17th Day of Octobek, 1933. Ordered, " That a Select Committee be appointed, consisting of ten members, to consider all matters relating to school-teachers, education, and public instruction generally, public-school training of teachers, higher education, technical education, manual instruction, and other matters affecting education which may be referred to it: the Committee to consist of Mr. Atmore, Mr. Bodkin, the Rev. Mr. Carr, Mr. de la Perrelle, Mr. Fraser, Mr. H. Holland, the Hon. Mr. McLeod, Mr. Schramm, Mr. Sykes, and the mover."—(Hon. Sir Apirana Ngata.) Wednesday, the 18th Day op October, 1933. Ordered, " That all petitions not finally dealt with during the 1932-33 session be again referred to the same Committees that they were referred to during the said session." —(Right Hon. Mr. Forbes.)



No. 207.—Petition of Annie M. Devin, of Auckland. Praying for a compassionate allowance in consideration of her services as a teacher. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 20th December, 1933. A. D. McLeod, for Chairman.

No. 200.—Petition of Gwendoline Duncan, School-teacher, Wanganui. Praying for refund of medical expenses and salary deducted as the result of an accident allegedly arising out of her employment with the Education Department. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration of the following resolution only : " That the Minister should direct that the thirty-seven weeks' sick-leave which the petitioner has had as the result of the accident shall not be taken into account in computing leave for which full or half pay may be granted." 20th December, 1933. W. A. Bodkin, Chairman.

No. Petitioner, Ac. Page, j 207 ; Devin, Annie M. .. .. .. I 1 2001 Duncan, Gwendoline .. .. .. j 1 Final Report .. .. .. 2

No. Petitioner, Ac. Page. Special report (re Chairman) .. 2 Special report (re Clerk) .. .. 2