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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.


Extracts from, the Journals of the House of Representatives. Friday, the 6th Day of Octobkk, 1933. Ordered, " That a Select Committee be appointed, consisting of ten members, to consider all petitions from M to Z that may be referred to it; to classify and prepare abstracts of sneh petitions in such form and manner as shall appear to it best suited to convey to this House all requisite information respecting their contents, and to report the same from time to time to this House ; and to have power to report its opinions and observations thereon to this House : the Committee to consist of the Rev. Mr. Carr, Mr. Hawke, Mr. Kyle, Mr. Linklater, Mr. Lye, Mr. J. N. Massey, Mr. McSkimming, Mr. Stallworthy, Mr. Semple, and the mover." — (Hon. Mr. Hamilton for Hon. Mr. Youno.) Wednesday, the 18th Day of October, 1933. Ordered, " That all petitions not finally dealt with during the 1932-33 session be again referred to the same Committees that they were referred to during the said session." —(Right Hon. Mr. Forbes.) Tdesday, the 7th Day of November, 1933. Ordered, " That the report of the Public Petitions M to Z Committee on the petition of M. Power be referred back to the Committee for further consideration."—(Mr. Richards.) Tuesday, the sth Day of December, 1933. Ordered, " That the Public Petitions M to Z Committee have leave to sit during the present sitting of the House." —(Mr. Lye.) Friday, the Bth Day of December, 1933. Ordered, " That the proceedings of the Public Petitions M to Z Committee during the taking of evidence on the petition of Annie L. Matheson be open to accredited representatives of the press."—(Mr. Lye.) Tuesday, the 12th Day of December, 1933. Ordered, " That the Public Petitions M to Z Committee have leave to sit during the present sitting of the House." —(Mr. Lye.) Thursday, the 14th Day of December, 1933. Ordered, " That the Public Petitions M to Z Committee have leave to sit during the present sitting of the House." —(Mr. Lye.) Monday, the 18th Day of December, 1933. Ordered, " That the Public Petitions M to Z Committee have leave to sit during the present sitting of the House." —(Mr. Lye.) Tuesday, the 19th Day of December, 1933. Ordered, " That the petition of H. F. W. Meikle and others be referred direct to the Public Petitions M to Z Committee." —(Mr. Harris.)

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