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Table C. Table showing the Actual Number of Distinct Convicted Prisoners received into Gaol during the Year 1932, classified according to Principal Offences, Birthplace, and Age.

Note.—This table is also published in the Keport on Justice Statistics (Government Statistician), page 57.


Table C. Table showing the Actual Number of Distinct Convicted Prisoners received into Gaol during the Year 1932, classified according to Principal Offences, Birthplace, and Age. Offencw against the Offences against Miscellaneous. Person. Property. " i Totals. Convicted summarily Theftand Mischlef Drm , kemK8a .. Vagrancy.t 0^c % Indictment. 1 L L I M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. j M. F. Birthplaces— New Zealand .. 67 3 64 1 872 42 62 .. 186 11 119 54 755 21 2,125 132 Australia .. .. 9 6 75 3 3 19 .. 16 1 80 2 208 6 England and Wales .. 9 12 107 4 16 55 1 36 6 176 2 411 13 Scotland .. .. 1 1 5 42 8 43 1 16 1 70 185 3 Ireland .. .. 2 .. 4 .. 37 1 3 .. 33 1 19 4 45 .. 143 6 Other British countries 2 2 15 1 2 2 2 8 32 2 China .. .. 1 .. 1 .. 2 1 .. 64 .. 69 Other countries .. 5 15 7 1 5 1 20 1 52 3 At sea .. .. .. • • • • Not stated .. 5 1 • • 2 .. 3 11 Totals .. 96 4 94 1 1,170 50 93 .. 346 15 216 69 1,221 26 3,236 165 Ages— 15 and under 20years.. 7 3 144 10 15 .. .. 6 10 24 3 199 23 20 „ 25 „ 21 1 21 .. 282 10 19 .. 11 .. 13 12 167 2 535 25 25 „ 30 „ 22 .. 11 .. 218 5 13 .. 23 18 3 189 2 493 10 30 „ 40 „ 18 1 31 .. 282 10 22 .. 77 3 47 14 395 3 872 31 40 „ 50 „ 13 2 13 .. 148 13 17 .. 98 7 44 17 248 9 581 48 50 „ 60 „ 12 .. 8 1 73 2 5 .. 99 4 62 10 153 7 412 24 60 and over .. .. 3 7 22 1 38 1 26 3 41 138 4 Not stated .. .. I .. 1 1 • • • • .... 4 6 Totals .. 96 4 94 1 1,170 50 93 .. 346 15 216 69 1,221 26 3,236 165 Maoris included above .. 9 .. 18 .. 157 ■ 5 8 14 5 3 96 1 307 9 J * It must be remembered that drunkenness is punished more by fine than by imprisonment, so that the figures in the gaol tables do not represent the full numbt-r of persons punished for that offence. f Including importuning, consorting with rogues, &c. Note. —This table is also published in the Report on Justice Statistics (Government Statistician), page 57.