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The food-supplies were of uniformly good quality. Sufficient vegetables were raised in our own garden to provide all vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, required for institutional use. The benefits of our venture in gardening are many. It permits an evenly balanced issue of fresh root and leaf vegetables to the inmates, besides effecting a saving in departmental expenditure, and provides a useful occupation for prison labour. Bread of very good quality continues to be manufactured at the prison and meets institutional needs and staff sales. A small supply was sold to the Tourist Department for use at the Chateau Tongariro. During the early part of the year the purchase of live-stock and subsequent slaughtering for moat rations was carried out at the prison. The opportune purchase of live-stock at a low figure permitted meat rations to be supplied at small cost. Latterly meat of excellent quality has been obtained from Rangipo Prison. The whole of the requisite maintenance of prison buildings has been effected during the year with prison labour. A good deal of work being executed around the prison proper. At the latter part of 1931 a commencement was made with the erection of the first of three cottages which were purchased by the Department to cope with the housing difficulty experienced by the married members <if the staff. The three cottages were completed during the year and are now occupied. Electric lighi and other modern conveniences were installed in the cottages which now provide the maximum of comfort for the married members of the staff and their families. Ten additional huts were purchased from the Public Works Department for housing prisoners at the various sub-camps. As in past years our industrial activities were confined mainly to (1) roadworks, (2) general transport work. Dealing with the first mentioned, I regret to report that the heavy pruning of other Departments' finances has involved a curtailment in their expenditure, the effect of'which is reflected in the Prisons Department's revenue from sales of metal, and roadworks generally. In former years a considerable amount of road construction and capital improvement work was carried on on practically emit met basis. Under such conditions it was possible to employ an unlimited supply of prison labour withoul restriction on our earning-power. The only roadwork involving capital expenditure now being carried on with prison labour from Waikune Prison is at the Otukou Deviation. The balance of the roadworks are in the nature of general maintenance work on the Ohakune Road, Tokaanu Road, and Bruce Road. Work at Otukou Deviation is carried on on a contract basis with a limited amount of funds available each quarter. The maintenance work is carried out at an hourly rate with a limited amount of funds available each quarter. The decision of the National Park Board to proceed with the construction and metalling of a motor road leading to Scoria Flat on the side of Mount Ruapehu made an opening for the absorption of a considerable amount of our surplus prison labour, and the road when completed should prove a national asset. Labouring jobs of minor importance were carried out on the Golf Links and the Chateau Tongariro, and repairs were effected in the Fences and grounds surrounding the Otukou School. Motor transport work has been carried on as in former years and throughout the year sufficient work was offering to keep our fleet of motors in commission. Heavy consignments of manures, seeds, and general merchandise were carted from the railhead to the prison farms in the Taupo District. A considerable amount of cartage was also undertaken for other Government Departments, notpbly the Tourist Department in the cartage of stores to the Chateau Tongariro. The motors were also engaged on roadworks and institutional cartages. In conclusion, I would like to thank the members of the staff for their loyal co-operation throughout the year. Wanganui Prison. (Gaoler, Mr. E. Ching.) During the year there were received from all sources 144 males and 2 females, a decrease of 31 males and 3 females on the figures for the previous year. The daily average number in custody t hioughout the year was 34. At the commencement of the year there were in custody 45 males and 1 female, and at the end of the year there were 30 males and no females in the prison. The conduct of the prisoners has been very good, three men only being punished for breach of regulations. The general health of the prisoners has been very good. With the exception of some minor complaints, there has been little or no illness during the year. Two men, both of whom were in a bad state on reception, died in the Public Hospital. Inquests were held by the Coroner, Mr. J. H. Salmon, S.M., and verdicts of death by natural causes were returned in both cases. The sanitary arrangements, together with bathing facilities and ventilation of the buildings are all in perfect order, and no doubt are a great factor in keeping the inmates in a very healthy state. The food supplied has been ample and good, it all being of the best quality ; this fact, too, must also be considered a great help in maintaining good health. The arrangements for preparing the food are satisfactory, and the men as a whole are satisfied with the rations. The Visiting Justice and the Medical Officer examine all foodstuff on their visits. Our bread requirements are still obtained from the New Plymouth Prison, and the arrangements for the supply, as well as the quality of the bread, give general satisfaction. The men in custody at this institution being incapable of peifonning heavy work through age or other infirmity, they are employed at light work such as keeping the paths and grounds in order, gardening, cooking, cleaning, &c. Sufficient vegetables to meet the requirements of the prison were grown during the year. I have to thank the clergymen of the various denominations for holding divine services in the prison. The Church of England, the Church of Christ, and Presbyterians combined to provide an excellent tea for the men at Christmas. The St. Vincent de Paul and the National Tobacco Co. kindly provided gifts of tobacco at the same time. The Cosmopolitan Club donated a number of library books which helps to keep the prison library up to a good standard. The Fire Brigade provided picture entertainments which were much appreciated by the men. The members of the staff carried out their respective duties in a satisfactory manner.