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total includes not only accidents to workers on scaffolding or in connection with gear or excavations, but also all other accidents occurring in connection with building operations. Taking into consideration the hazardous nature of the work and the number of workers involved, the number of accidents due to falls from scaffolds, ladders, or roofs is small —viz., 22. The numbers according to occupations are : Labourers, 76 ; carpenters, 36 ; painters, 2 ; steelworkers, 5 ; plasterers, 2 ; bricklayers, 1 ; plumbers, 1 ; unclassified, 27. The cases in respect of which information as to the time lost and compensation paid is available —viz., 140 and 148 respectively out of the 150 accidents —show that a total of 4,125 days were lost and compensation to the amount of £3,708 Bs. 6d. was paid. The following are particulars of the fatal accidents reported :— While a worker was engaged in excavating a trench for the foundation of a building one side of the trench collapsed, burying him beneath the spoil. Two workers engaged in demolishing a building were killed owing to the collapse of a roof which had been badly constructed. A painter working on a ladder received fatal injuries through the slipping of the ladder, which had not been properly secured. In addition, the following fatal accidents occurred in connection with building or excavating operations, the three persons involved not being employees : — A contractor was engaged in directing the demolition of a building when a jagged piece of timber which was being thrown to the ground cannoned off the wall of the adjoining building and pierced his body. Two men engaged in digging a well on a farm were asphyxiated as a result of inhaling carbonmonoxide gas. SERVANTS' REGISTRY OFFICES ACT. There are sixty-four offices registered in New Zealand, all of which appear to be satisfactorily conducted (last year eighty-one). The decrease in the number of offices registered is due to the fact that very few engagements are being made through these channels. RENT RESTRICTION. There were 278 applications from tenants for inquiry (previous year, 218). The following table shows the results of the investigations (the figures in parentheses are those for the previous year) :— '

From the Ist May, 1928, the Rent Restriction Continuance Act, 1927, provided (1) that the standard rent shall be determined on the basis of 7 per cent, on the capital value of the dwellinghouse as at the date of such determination (instead of on the 1914 value), exclusive of rates, insurance, repairs, and depreciation (as before) ; (2) that the Act shall cease to operate except where, on the application of the tenant, a Magistrate otherwise orders ; in deciding the question the Magistrate shall have regard to the greater hardship that may be caused to either party concerned. Subject to the following paragraph, the provisions do not apply to houses first let after the 9th November, 1920. By the Rent Restriction Extension Act, 1931 (passed 31st July, 1931), the provisions were further continued until the Ist August, 1932, and were extended to cover dwellinghouses in the Hawke's Bay earthquake area let on the 3rd February, 1931 (the date of the earthquake), or since that date at a rental not exceeding £104 per annum. The legislation expired on the 31st October, 1932, but was subsequently revived and continued until the Ist August, 1933, by the Rent Restriction Act, 1932, and further continued until 31st October, 1933, by section 41 of the Finance Act, 1932-33 (No. 2).


Number in which Rents ? umbe f ' n wh,ch , Rent ? demanded were reduced. demanded were deemed Total Number just.fied. Number in Place of which no Applications. By h "TT ~ Court, without reference Court. W1 , ou i re ® renoe to Court. to Court, ! I I Auckland .. .. I 25 (17) .. 5 .. 6 14 Wellington .. 169 (149) .. 45 .. 79 45 Christchurch .. 61 (20) .. 8 .. 37 16 Dunedin .. 1 (5) .. .. .. .. 1 Other towns .. 22 (27) .. 8 .. 6 8 278 (218) .. 66 ' 128 84 J_ * For example, cases found to be outside scope of Act, proceedings not dosired by complainant, &c.