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TABLE No. 6—continued. ELECTRIC SUPPLY ACCOUNT— continued. WAIKATO ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY.—HORAHORA-ARAPUNI SCHEME— continued. Profit and Loss Account for Year ended 31st March, 1933, compared with Year ended 31st March, 1932— continued. Net Revenue Account.


1931-32. 1932-33. 1931-32. 1932-33. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 62,523 12 8 To Interest on purchase-money for plant purchased from Waihi 218,847 15 7 j 46,880 18 9 By Balance from Gross Revenue Account .. .. .. 289,901 2 5 Gold-mining Co., Ltd., and on advances from Treasury 40,554 3 11 Balance to Profit and Loss Appropriation Account .. 41,487 4 8 24,911 10 0 Depreciation on completed works (2 per cent.) and on stocks 75,951 0 9 King's Wharf Station, half capital charges thereon .. 36,589 10 9 £87,435 2 8 £331,388 7 1 | £87,435 2 8 £331,388 7 1 _ ■ Profit and Loss Appropriation Account for Yβ ak ended 31st March, 1933, compared with Year ended 31st March, 1932. £ s. d. £ s - d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 38,312 8 8 To Balance at close of previous year .. .. .. 78,866 12 7 78,866 12 7 By Balance to general balance-sheet .. .. .. 120,353 17 3 40*554 3 11 Balance from Net Revenue Account .. .. .. 41,487 4 8 j £78,866 12 7 £120,353 17 3 £78,866 12 7 £120,353 17 3 Depreciation Eeserve Account. — ' ■ i j £ s. d. £ s. d. I £ s. d. I £ s. d. 8,378 15 3 To Replacements, renewals, &c. .. .. .. .. 10,679 1 4 187,573 16 5 By Balance at close of previous year .. .. .. 211,609 10 2 Amount transferred, Mangahao-Waikaremoana scheme .. 1,523 0 0 7,502 19 0 Interest for year .. .. .. .. .. 8,464 7 7 211,609 10 2 Balance to general balance-sheet .. .. .. 283,822 17 2 j 24,911 10 0 Amount set aside as per Net Revenue Account .. .. 75,951 0 9 £219,988 5 5 £296,024 18 6 j £219,988 5 5 j £296,024 18 6