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TABLE No. 4. Expenditure out of Separate Accounts on Works under the Control of the Public Works Department.

TABLE No. 5. Expenditure on Public Buildings out of Public Works Fund to the 31st March, 1933, and the Liabilities on that Date.


aS. 1 ™,. Waihou and Loans to Opening up Account National Land for Ohinemuri L S H ies ssaassi £Sk "sassr s ~ s .wSL. *$Sr ----- "Sir BoagSr wissss^ ■ess» «pc-r «°?S°r 01 = ri U Lands improvement. £ I g g jg 1890-91 .. .. .. 25,000 1891-92 .. .. .. 64,000 1892-93 ...... 800 89,800* 1891 92 .. .. .. S.OOOf 1892-93 .. .. .. 29,833f 1893-94 .. .. .. SO.OOOf 1894-95 .. .. .. 6,114t 1894-95 .. .. .. 42,971{ 1895-96 .. .. .. 30,057| 1896-97 .. .. .. 31,017 1897-98 .. .. .. 18,770 1898-99 .. .. .. 16,972 1899-1900 .. .. 31,363 1900-1 .. .. .. 37,390 1901-2 .. .. .. 31,979 1902-3 .. .. .. 18,578 1903-4 .. .. .. 25,753 1904-5 .. .. .. 28,895 1905-6 .. .. .. 38,801 1906-7 .. .. .. 47,371 1907-8 .. .. .. 38,524 1908-9 .. .. .. 54', 713 1909-10 .. .. .. 40,507 .. .. 4,975 607,608§ j 1910-11 .. .. .. .. 45,691 .. 5,619 1911-12 .. .. .. .. 49,739 .. 6,554 .. 3,769 1912-13 .. .. .. .. 47,951 ! .. 2,689 .. 9,555 1913 14 .. .. .. .. 63,245 .. 4,282 .. 9,633 1914-15 .. .. .. .. .. 92,975 9,151 .. 10,004 1915-16 .. .. .. .. .. 47,974 13,344 .. 9,225 1916-17 .. .. .. •• .. 24,730 6,787 .. 10,407 1917-18 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 43,996 12,025 1918-19 .. .. .. -. .. .. .. 51,355 27,402 1919-20.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 61,692 34,806 1920-21.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28,920 62,249 1921-22 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 51,471 54,379 1922-23 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 78,350 66,708 1923-24.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 49,186 70,533 1924-25.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23,144 53,887 1925-26.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17,181 47,908 1926-27 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12,714 65,855 1927-28.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,337 59,644 1928-29 .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 52,310 1929-30 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27,361 1930-31 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22,080 1931-32 onwards .. .. (No expenditure —all these aoco unts closed.) 697,408 206,626 165,679 I 53,401 424,346 ' 709,740 * Payment to the Public Works Fund under section 31 of the Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886, in reduction of expenditure under Class " Koads." + Paid into the Public Works Fund, reducing the expenditure under Class " Eoads." Ī Paid into the Lands Improvement Account (now included in Public Works Fund under Class "Roads"), reducing the expenditure on roads. § Expenditure under the Government Loans to Local Bodies Act Amendment Act, 1891.

TM-oi Expenditure Total Liabilities on „, t , F™>i*«, « t n {or Expenditure Authorities, i Wr i°^ f ' ??«t Year ended t0 Contracts, Ac., ! Expenditure iietmaron, 31st March, 31st March, 31st March, j *,„??,?„„ 1982 - 1933. 1933. 1933. Liabilities. £ £ £ £ £ Judicial* .. .. .. .. 1,484,996 3,645 1,488,641 87 1,488,728 Postal and telegraph .. .. .. 2,479,278 Gr. 2,786 2,476,492 194 2,476,686 Customs .. .. .. .. 49,441 .. 49,441 .. 49,441 Offices for public Departments! ■• ■• 933,255 766 | 934,021 678 | 934,699 Mental hospitals .. .. .. .. 1,691,365 28,756 1,720,121 5,616 I 1,725,737 Alexandra Depot, Wellington! .. .. 8,084 [ .. 8,084 .. 8,084 School buildings .. .. .. .. 3,344,964 52,623 3,397,587 3,922 3,401,509 Health and Hospital Institutions! •• ■■ 399,421 188 399,609 40 ! 399,649 Quarantine-stations .. .. .. 62,464 .. 62,464 .. 62,464 Parliament Buildings (old buildings) .. 76,553 .. 76,553 .. 76,553 Parliament Buildings (new buildings) .. 393,625 .. 393,625 .. 393,625 Parliament Buildings (alterations to streets sur- 57,089 .. 57,089 .. 57,089 rounding grounds, and purchase of land) Government House, Wellington (land and new 72,645 .. 72,645 .. 72,645 building) Agricultural .. .. .. .. 99,864 Gr. 1,535 98,329 .. 98,329 Workers'dwellings .. .. .. 319,916 .. 319,916 .. 319,916 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 70,813 .. 70,813 .. 70,813 Totals .. .. ■■ ■■ 11,543,773 81,657 11,625,429 10,537 i 11,635,966 * Includes Courthouses, prisons, and police-stations. t Includes £12,500 expended under Finance Act, 1929, section 32. {Expenditure re Defence requirements only. Other expenditure included in " Judicial" class. § Includes £32,754 previously shown under " Public Health."