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Some 10 miles 50 chains of drains, including 3 miles 37 chains of main outlet varying in width from 10 ft. to 32 ft., and 3 miles 5 chains of stopbanks, have been completed, entailing a total excavation of 101,364 cubic yards. Several bridge culverts and flood-gates connected with the scheme have also been completed. Koromatua Block Development. —The major work of drain construction, road formation, and cultivation on this area of 941 acres was carried out during the previous year. Drainage on this class of country must proceed progressively as the land consolidates. Four sections, totalling 538 acres, were opened for selection in July, 1932, and attracted a good class of applicant. During the year under review 232 acres which had previously been ploughed and cultivated were sown in grass, also 70 acres surface-sown, and 4 miles 23 chains of fencing erected. Patetonga Top Road.—The metalling of 4 miles 30 chains of this road is being carried out on behalf of the Hauraki Plains County Council as an unemployment-relief work. Operations commenced in October, 1932, and some thirty men have been engaged thereon. A new quarry was opened up entailing construction of 40 chains of service road. At end of period 1,450 cubic yards of metal had been laid on 1 mile 50 chains of reconstructed roadway. Waitakaruru Development. —With a view to.preparing land on Hauraki Plains in the vicinity of Waitakaruru for permanent occupation, it was decided to proceed with development work. The area selected —namely, Sections 38, 40, 42, 80, 81, 82, and 83, Block IY, Piako Survey District, of 486 acres is fairly consolidated peat on alluvial subsoil. The three first-named sections, on the eastern bank ol Maukoro Canal, totalling 180 acres, were cleared of scrub, the drains improved and grassed at a net cost of £1 Bs. per acre. They were offered for selection in November. To deal with the remaining area of 306 acres on the western bank of Maukoro-Waitakaruru Canal an unemployed relief camp of twenty-four men was established in November. Drain improvements were effected, 306 acres of thick manuka scrub felled and burnt, and the land sown in grass early in April. This is a class of work for which there is much scope on the Hauraki Plains under present economic conditions, when the largest proportion of the cost is provided by the Unemployment Board. Wharekohe Block.—ln May, 1932, a single men's relief camp of nine men was established and manned by workers from Auckland. This party has been engaged in carrying out considerable improvements on a two-mile length of the main stream through the block. Improvement work has also been carried out on 30 chains of a smaller stream. Puketoitoi Block. — A relief camp for twenty single relief workers was established late in the year, and to the end of the period under review the workers were engaged in stream improvement in the north-east corner of the block. Summary of Work done. Total. Number. Miles ch. Road culverts constructed .. .. 5 Cleaning drains .. ■ • .. 359 32 Bundles. Widening and deepening drains .. 30 27 Faseines uged 4,872 Constructing new drams .. ..I ô 04= Phi Dredge cuts and canals maintained 28 56 7 - River and canal improvements .. 27 47 Metal used for roads 1,450 Roads formed 971 Clay carted for roads .. 5,862 Roads metalled 150 Spoil excavated by floating and land Stopbanks formed 3 5 excavators 278,733 Stopbanks repaired 13 0 Rock excavated 9,700 Fences erected ■ • • • 2/ 15 Acres. Levels taken 3143 Area cleared of scrub .. .. 1,450 Traverses run • • • • • 21 40 Area cleared of blackberry Number. Area stumped .. • • • • • • Flood-gates built .. • • • • 4 Area ploughed .. • ■ ■ • > Bridges erected .. . • • • 9 Area sown in grass .. Office. —The expenditure recorded totalled £67,599 19s. 2d., and of this amount £19,727 13s. 2d. was paid through Thames and Whakatane imprest accounts. Some 228 piece-work contracts were let and 3,072 vouchers prepared and passed for payment. The revenue collected, excluding rates, amounted to £10,783 6s. 4d. Drainage Rates.—Drainage rates levied on Hauraki Plains, Rangitaiki, Waihi, and Kaitaia Areas totalled £19.465 12s. 5d., entailing 1,950 rate notices. Drainage rates collected amounted to £11,275 2s. sd. Photostat. —This machine was in operation on seventy occasions, and 5,856 prints were taken— namely, our own operations 4,696, other Departments (charged for) 590, other Departments (not charged for) 515, spoils 55. During the year a start was made m using developer and made up in the photostat-room instead of purchasing ready-made powder. A decided improvement has resulted and also a saving in cost. Our Department has made increasing use of the photostat machine—chieflv Proclamation plans, traverse-sheets, and survey data, as the prints have practically superceded tracings since the placing of a coloured wash over the figures of new work has become standard practice.

4—c. 1.