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To summarize the position, and to enable a comparison to be made with previous years, the following table sets out the value of our exports, imports, total external trade, and visible trade balance for each of the past twelve calendar years : —

Exports. The table below sets out the quantities and values of the principal commodities exported from New Zealand in each of the past two calendar years.

As will be observed from the above table, increases in quantities shipped were recorded during 1931 in the case of butter, frozen beef, frozen lamb, cattle-hides and calf-skins, pelts, wool, and gold. In only one instance, however, did an increase in value occur, and that was in the case of gold. Decreases in value were recorded in all items, with this one exception. The direction of our export trade in 1931 is disclosed by the table which, follows, the figures also being given for the. three previous years for purposes of comparison.

Value of New Zealand's Exports according to Country of Destination, 1928-31.


\ ear ended 31st , . , , Total External , Jixports. Imports. , December, r Irade. Exports. Imports. £ £ £ £ £ 1920 .. .. 46,441,946 61,595,828 108,037,774 i .. 15,153,882 1921 .. .. | 44,828,827 42,942,443 87,771,270 1 1,886,384 1922 .. .. ; 42,726,24-9 35,012,561 77,738,810 I 7,713,688 1923 .. .. ! 45,967,165 43,378,493 89,345,658 i 2,588,672 1924 .. .. 52,612,711 48,527,603 101,140,314 4,085,108 1925 .. .. 55,262,272 52,456,407 107,718,679 2,805,865 ! 1926 .. .. 45,275,575 49,889,563 95,165,138 i .. 4,613,988 1927 .. .. 48,496,354 44,782,946 93,279,300 i 3,713,408 1928 .. .. 56,188,481 44,886,266 101,074,747 11,302,215 1929 .. .. 55,579,063 48,797,977 104,377,040 6,781,086 , 1930 .. .. 44,940,692 43,025,914 j 87,966,606 j 1,914,778 ! 1931 .. .. 35,153,028 i 24,812,958 | 59,965,986 i 10,340,070 !

1931. 1930. Item. ' j ; * Quantity. | Value. Quantity. Value. £ £ Butter .. .. .. Cwt. 1,988,566 10,649,527 1,884,237 11,854,056 Cheese .. .. .. „ 1,636,347 4,461,293 1,812,981 6,438,438 Beef, frozen .. .. „ 352,649 403,951 346,437 586,523 Lamb, frozen .. .. „ 2,404,801 6,426,020 2,145,651 7,200,863 Mutton, frozen .. .. „ 1,053,203 1,432,729 1,259,951 2,365,709 Cattle-hides and calf-skins .. No. 961,590 337,296 947,766 510,683 Rabbit-skins .. .. „ 6,174,092 1 108,841 7,206,992 142,249 Pelts .. .. .. „ 10,419,882 ! 621,757 9,477,561 1,190,718 Wool .. .. .. Bales 618,419 J 5,515,376 581,225 7,664,362 Tallow .. .. .. Tons 23,264 413,080 24,628 683,571 Kauri-gum .. .. „ 3,058 128,095 3,818 189,635 Gold .. .. .. Oz. 140,970 581,032 133,783 550,813 Sausage-casings .. .. lb. 3,661,195 399,418 4,483,019 780,073 Other items .. .. .. .. 3,674,613 .. 4,782,999 Total exports .. .. .. I 35,153,028 .. 44,940,692

1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. |__ British Possessions, Protectorates, &c.- — £ £ £ £ United Kingdom .. .. .. 40,510,075 40,957,043 36,015,303 30,940,654 Australia .. .. .. .. 3,402,655 2,338,410 1,562,281 1,169,055 Canada .. .. .. .. 2,469,150 3,353,975 2,539,212 256,890 All other British countries .. .. 873,783 809,944 761,077 311,114 Total, British countries .. 47,255,663 47,459,372 40,877,873 32,677,713 Foreign Countries and Possessions — United States .. .. .. 4,260,315 3,653,427 2,116,752 920,931 France .. .. .. .. 1,800,897 1,768,399 519,727 419,016 Germany .. .. .. .. 1,290,071 1,220,552 401,084 309,847 All other foreign countries .. .. 1,581,535 1,477,313 1,025,256 825,521 Totals, foreign countries .. 8,932,818 8,119,691 4,062,819 ' 2,475,315 I Totals, all countries .. .. 56,188,481 | 55,579,063 | 44,940,692 35,153,028