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Section 9 : This provides for the review of existing awards and agreements in accordance with the new procedure, where such awards and agreements have been in force for not less than six months and have an unexpired term of not less than three months. Sections 11 and 12 : These sections provide for the payment of workers at piece rates and for the setting-up of Industrial Committees for the promotion of the harmonious working of awards and industrial agreements. Section 13 : This provides for exclusion from the operation of awards and industrial agreements of relief works under the Unemployment Act, 1930, and of the workers employed on such works. Industrial Disturbances during the Yeak. There were in all twenty-seven industrial disturbances during the year. The following is a summary of the larger disturbances : — Coal-miners (Denniston). —The union demanded that all men working in the power-house should be paid a full day s pay whether working a full shift or not. After negotiations work was resumed, the management reserving the right to work the power-house to suit the requirements of the company, but undertaking to endeavour to arrange for the men to work an eight-hour shift. The mine, which was employing 485 men, was idle for seventeen days. Coal-miners, Wilsons Collieries (Hilcurangi). —The company refused to make up the wages of three men to the minimum amount fixed by the agreement on the ground that they should have been able to earn the minimum rate and that it was their own fault that they did not do so : and the other miners thereupon ceased work. Subsequently the company paid the amount of wages in dispute, and the mine was taken over by the men with a view to its being worked on a co-operative basis. The mine, which employed 178 men, was idle for twenty-one days. Coal-miners (Dobson). —The company gave notice of dismissal to the 300 men employed, and after expiry of the notice offered employment to only a certain number of them. The men demanded that the available work be shared, but ultimately work was resumed on the company's terms. The mine was closed down for approximately two months.

LABOUR DISPUTES INVESTIGATION ACT, 1913. The following information shows the extent to which the workers have preferred the method provided by the above Act for the settlement of their disputes to the procedure to be followed if they register under the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act.

Arising out of the disputes filed under the Act since its inception to date, only six ballots have been necessary, and in none of these cases did a strike take place in pursuance of such a ballot. There were on 31st March, 1932, nine agreements in force under this Act, in the following industries :— Coal-mining. Marine engineers and shift engineers in freezing-works and power-houses. Gas-manufacture (including clerical and showroom employees). Glass-manufacture. Tramway and omnibus services (including coach and car building). Managers in dairy factories. APPRENTICES ACT. This Act, which was passed in 1923, places the regulation of apprenticeships in the control of the Court of Arbitration. Jt also provides for the establishment of committees representative of employers and workers ; these have such powers as may be delegated to them by the Court. The Committees, of which there are 101 functioning, are chiefly to be found in the main towns, and there is usually one for each industry. The Department has again made available to committees the services of some of its experienced officers, who undertake inquiry work and in many cases act in a secretarial capacity. These officers made 1,620 inspections under this Act during 1931-32, the inspections being carried out chiefly in the course of ordinary inspection and investigation work and while visiting factories, &c., in connection with other duties.


Industry affected. Particulars. | Ballot of Workere. Nature of Settlement. Gas company's clerical and Conference called by Conciliation Commis- Not required .. Agreement filed purshowrooms employees, Auck- sioner proving abortive dispute was re- suant to section 8 l an d ferred to a Labour Dispute Committee; (1). settlement resulted Tramway and power - house Ditto .. . . .. . . ; .. Ditto employees, Christchurch Dairy-factory Managers, Wei- Agreement was.reached without recourse to ,, .. ! lington District a conference under the Act or to a Labour Dispute Committee Dairy-factory Managers, Wei- Ditto lington District Engineers (shift), Wellington „ and Taranaki Districts I