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H —10.

G.-Number of Applications for Patents for the Different Classes of Inventions in each of the Years 1930 and 1931, together with the Average for the Years 1925-29 (inclusive).


Class. 1925-29.! 1930. 1931. j Class. 1925-29. 1930. 1931. — I - J Advertising and displaying signs, 30-8 23 32 | Illuminating (except gas-manufao- 63-6 59 68 &c. tare) Aeronautics .. .. •• 8-6 12 18 I Indicating, calculating, and measur- 64-0 80 50 Amusements, music, exercisers, 71-6 72 62 ing (including moisture-testers) Attaching and securing (including 37-6 24 21 Kitchen utensils and cooking j 58-2 56 65 bolts, ties, &c.) appliances (including ovens) Boilers (steam) 15-0 9 10 Lifting, hauling, and loading .. 53-6 41 155 Boots and shoes .. • • 32-4 30 20 Locks, latches, and hinges .. 29-4 23 25 Bottles, bottling, and glass-working 33-0 46 38 Boxes cans and casks .. .. 73-8 84 100 Marine and submarine 20-4 22 lb Brewing, distilling, &c 13-6 18 14 lake and river engineering) Brooms and brushes (including 15-8 14 17 Marking (tickets, labels, &c.) .. 10-4 lb 14 mo p s \ Medicines and surgical appliances 29-2 40 27 Building-construction .. .. I 45-2 28 74 (including ear-instruments, dental Building - construction (brick and 48-6 33 41 j work, &o.) cement compositions and mould- Metal-working (including welding, 34-6 27 12, jjjct) stamping, and plating) Building-construction (windows and 28-0 34 29 Milking-machines* .. .. 48-0 38 46 d ours ) I Minerals (including filtration, hxi- 17-6 11 viation, screens, &c.) Chemicals .. .. • • 29-6 24 13 Minerals (magnetic separators) .. j 1-4 — 1 Cleaning, polishing, too. .. ■■ 28-6 30 18 j Minerals (stampers and pulverizers) 4-0 3 — Closets and urinals .. •• 24-2 32 30 | ok 11 Coin-freed mechanism .. .. ll-0 8 11 Oils and lubricators .. .. 31-4 25 11 Cooling and freezing .. .. 24-6 33 24 Cultivating and tilling .. .. 52-0 61 49 i Paints and painting (including 16-0 19 11 Cutting and sawing, and tools .. 62-0 66 55 : kauri-gum) ! Pipes, tubes, and hose .. .. 27-0 18 lb Dairying* 45-6 52 44 Preserving 13-0 15 13 Drains and sewers .. •■ 6-2 7 2 Presses .. ,. •• 8-8 1/ / Dredging and excavating (including 12-8 6 6 i Printing and photography .. 34-8 37 6i rock-drills) Pumps and sprayers (except rotary 22-0 23 29 Drying .. .. •• 20-2 22 19 pumps) Electricity and magnetism .. 135-2 121 86 J Railways and tramways .. 46-0 34 29 Engines (air, gas, and oil) .. 56-6 63 55 Roads and ways (including road 24-4 19 17 Engines (steam), including rotary 13-6 10 12 watering) Engines S (miscellaneous and engine 54-4 35 33 Seed-dressing, chaff-cutting, and 7-0 8 5 accessories), including current threshing motors, solar motors, tide motors, Seed-sowers .. .. ■ • 21-b 2J 19 wave motors, windmills, miscel- Sewing and knitting .. .. 13-6 Iβ 11 laneous motors Sheep and cattle (including veten- 27-8 36 li Explosives, firearms, and targets .. 7-2 7 5 nary appliances) Exterminating (including trapping 26-6 j 20 9 Sheep shearing and clipping .. 11-4 7 1 animals) Shop and hotel fittings .. .. 20-2 29 35 Stationery and paper .. .. 40-0 38 42 Fencing 24-2 25 17 Fencing (strainers') .. ..6-2 4 4 Telephony and telegraphy (including 197-8 233 180 Fibre-dressing (including rope- 30-8 22 28 phonographs, &c.) making) Tobacco .. .. . •• 12-2 17 18 Filters ...... 7-2 9 10 Fire alarms, escapes, ladders, and 18-2 17 15 Valves and cocks .. .. I 16-2 18 18 pytincm inhere Vehicles .. .. • • i 181-b 112 sd Food 24-4 28 21 Vehicles (velocipedes) .. .. 39-4 26 19 Furnaces and kilns (including smoke- 18-8 15 16 Ventilating .. .. .. 5-6 7 consumers) . „ An Qo Furniture and upholstery, desks, 60-2 53 73 Washing and cleansing .. .. 30-0 40 6i blinds, curtains, «so. Water-supplying .. .. 8-8 10 11 Wearing-apparel .. •• 41-2 43 5y Gas-manufacture for lighting, heat- 9-8 11 5 Wools and hides ... .. 11-6 16 ing, or power purposes | . . • „. .„ Miscellaneous inventions not in 26-2 31 18 Harness (including horse, &c, covers) 5-0 3 5 other classes, as indiarubberHarvesting and grading .. .. 19-6 51 36 manufacture, fishmg-appliances, Heating, and fuel-manufacture .. 58-4 36 55 &c. * Prior to 1911, milking-machines were included in class "Dairying," but are now a separate class. NoTK.-Owing to some inventions being classified under more than one heading, the figures will total more than the actual number of applications received.