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Summary. Summarized over the whole of the districts affected, the position of the existing charges for survey liens (principal and interest) and the remissions recommended by the subcommittees is as follows :—■"

£ Total liens outstanding .. .. .. ~ .. 290 682 Total liens to be discharged .. .. .. .. .. 115 371 £175,311 Remissions recommended represent 62 per cent, of principal and interest of liens dealt with, or the interest and 43 per cent, of principal only. Suggestions by the Lands Department in regard to Future Surveys and the Collection of Survey Liens. Crown Awards.—ln view of the large concessions by remissions that have been recommended it is considered that the Lands and Survey Department should be given the opportunity of deciding whether or not a survey of the lands should be made for the purpose of defining the area awarded to the Crown. Future Surveys.—(a) In consolidated areas provision for the payment in advance of the cost of surveys should be made. Prior to survey the Chief Surveyor should report upon the approximate cost of the work contemplated, taking into account the use of old surveyed lines or computed boundaries. l (b) In areas not under consolidation applicants for partition should pay all existing charges due on the block to be partitioned, and, in addition, deposit with the Court the estimated cost of survev necessary to give effect to the partition as ascertained by the Chief Surveyor, who shall take into account what old work can be adopted or computed. Survey Liens, Accounts, and Records.—lt is considered that the collection of existing liens be transferred from the Lands and Survey Department to the Native Department. This will necessitate the transfer to the Native Department of all books and records incidental thereto. The Chief Surveyor to retain the costody of all maps. J. H. O'Donnell. R. J. Knight.


Survey Liens. ; . ■ , . District. Remissions Path nr „ . . , Recommended. * i t-ash or I Principal. Interest. Total. -Land. 1 "NT 4-1» A 1 , 1 T\* £ S " d " £ S " d ' £ 8 " d ' £ S. d. £ S. A. 1. North Auckland District .. 31,413 7 0 18,581 5 1 49,994 12 1 39,482 12 1 11 512 0 0 2. King-country Area .. .. 12,854 10 6 6,439 7 9 19,293 18 3 12,862 18 3 ô'431 0 0 3. Hawkes Bay and Gisborne Dis- 22,937 4 1 9,239 1 2 32,176 5 3 20,195 5 3 11 981 0 0 triet and Bay of Plenty District 4. Rotorua and Taupo Districts .. 10,307 15 7 3,499 7 7 13,907 3 2 10,472 3 2 3,435 0 0 Totals •• •• 77,512 17 2 37,859 1 7 115,37118 9 82,012 18 9 33,359 2 4