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TELEGRAPH AND TOLL SERVICES. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TELEGRAPH AND RADIO-TELEGRAPH QUESTIONS. An International Conference for the purpose of reviewing the International Telegraph Convention and revising the regulations made thereunder is to be held at Madrid in September, 1932. In conjunction with this an International Conference will be held for the purpose of reviewing the International Radio-telegraph Convention Regulations. It is proposed at the same time to examine the feasibility of combining the International Telegraph and Radio-telegraph Conventions in a single document. In view of the importance attached to the Conferences, it is necessary that the Dominion be represented by an officer who is thoroughly acquainted with all phases of telegraph and radio-telegraph matters as affecting New Zealand ; and Mr. M. B. Esson, who retired some three years ago from the position of Second Assistant Secretary of the Department, and who is now residing in London, has been appointed as the Dominion's delegate. Mr. Esson is the New Zealand Representative on the Advisory Committee set up in connection with Imperial and International Communications, Ltd., and is particularly well equipped to deal with any matters that may arise at the Conferences. GENERAL ELECTION, 1931. The general election which was held on the 2nd December resulted in the usual large accretion of telegraph traffic. Adequate arrangements were made throughout the Dominion for the prompt handling of election returns, and of the great number of other telegrams and telephone calls incidental to the election. The amount of traffic handled was appreciably less than usual on account of the fact that no licensing poll was held. The traffic, generally, was handled with accuracy and promptitude, and, as usual, the officers responded loyally to the" call for long hours of duty and the arduous working-conditions which are unavoidably associated with general elections. MACHINE-PRINTING TELEGRAPHS. Fast and reliable service continues to be given by the machine-printing telegraph apparatus installed throughout the Dominion. It is proposed in the near future to extend the use of teleprinter apparatus to the Gisborne, Hastings, and Napier Telegraph-offices with a view to permitting the simultaneous transmission of press telegrams to those offices from Wellington. Napier is at present linked with Wellington by means of the multiplex system, but machine-printing apparatus is not installed in Hastings or Gisborne. The additional facilities will permit of telegraph traffic for the offices concerned being handled with the utmost expedition. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS TELEGRAMS: REDUCED CHARGE. Although provision was made last year for an increase in the initial charge for Christmas and New Year Greetings telegrams from 6d. to 9d., the higher charge was not imposed during the 1930-31 holiday period in view of the difficult conditions that faced most members of the community. DAILY LETTER-TELEGRAM SERVICE: EXTENSION. The daily letter-telegram service has been extended to the undermentioned countries from the dates and at the rates shown :—


Country. Date. Rate. : J Holland .. .. .. 1st April .. .. 9d. per word, with minimum charge of 15s. for 20 words. Greece and Islands of Greece .. 15th May .. .. 9d. per word, with minimum charge of 15s. for 20 words. Russia .. .. 1st June .. . . lOd. per word, with minimum charge of 16s. 8d. for 20 words. Lettonia .. .. . . 1st June .. .. 9§d. per word, with minimum charge of 15s. lOd. for 20 words. Hong Kong and Macao . . ] f Hfd. per word, with minimum charge of [ £1 3s. ll|d. for 25 words. Shanghai , , ) Is. per word, with minimum charge of 8 ! 11th September £1 for 25 wordg . All other places in China .. | [ Is. Id. per word, with minimum charge j [_ of £1 7s. Id. for 25 words. Danzig .. . . .. 1st October .. .. 9|d. per word, with minimum charge of 15s. lOd. for 20 words. Christmas Island .. .. 1st January . . .. Is. per word, with minimum charge of £1 for 20 words.