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RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS. The receipts and payments of the Department for the financial year 1931-32 are shown in the following account: — Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance forward .. 55,669 17 8| By Salaries .. 1,580,355 14 4 Postages .. 1,395,399 9 8| Conveyance of Money-order and ocean mails .. 78,843 6 9 postal-note Conveyance of commission .. 60,876 12 9 inland mails .. 138,827 6 6 Private box and Conveyance of bag rents and mails by rail .. 91,502 8 7 rural - delivery Maintenance of fees .. 45,852 19 10 telegraph and Miscellaneous re- telephone lines.. 76,111 6 1 ceipts .. 280,657 19 8 Renewals and rePaid telegrams.. 296,576 3 2* placements .. 80,029 5 1 Paid tolls .. 417,794 9 5£ Motor services and Telephone-ex- workshops .. 12,489 19 4 change rentals 1,218,072 3 1 Miscellaneous .. 186,407 7 1 3,715,229 17 8J Interest on capital liability .. 550,000 0 0 2,794,566 13 9 Paid to Consolidated Fund.. .. 941,616 6 2 Balance carried down .. .. 34,716 15 6 £3,770,899 15 5 £3,770,899 15 5 £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. 34,716 15 6 The total cash value of the transactions of the Department, inclusive of the above, amounted to approximately £169,000,000 for the year. STAFF. The current general depression is still adversely affecting the Department's business, and it has been necessary to continue the system of granting " time off " in lieu of making cash payments for overtime. No new appointments to the Service were made during the year notwithstanding that, as will be seen from the return published below, there was a reduction, from retirements, resignations, &c, of over three hundred in the permanent staff establishment, and a total decrease under all headings of 533 employees. In addition, a number of officers of the Department are on loan to Departments under the control of the Public Service Commissioner, notably the Unemployment Department. There has been no falling-off in the efficiency of the staff, who have assisted whole-heartedly in suggesting new economies in working and in making a success of the economies already introduced. The service given to the public remains on a high plane. Officers have been called upon to make substantial personal sacrifices, but they have accepted the position in excellent spirit and have continued to give good service. In point of fact, it is due largely to the active and intelligent interest of officers in the management and operation of the Service that many economies have been possible. The work undertaken in connection with the Unemployment Act of 1930 continues to be heavy. During the year the duties were increased by the introduction under the amending Act of 1931 of the special emergency tax on salary and wages, and income derived from other sources. Many of these transactions are completed only with the advice and help of officers, and this is, of course, freely given. A great amount of work continues also to be undertaken most successfully in connection with the Dominion's motor-vehicle registration system and on behalf of other Departments of State generally. An idea of the great volume of business handled by the Department is gained when it is mentioned that the total cash value of the transactions handled in the year was 169 millions sterling. In the previous year the total reached 201J millions. Comparative Return of Persons employed in the Department. The total number of persons employed on the Ist April, 1931 and 1932, was as under : — Ist April, Ist April, Permanent staff — 1931. 1932. Administrative Division .. .. .. . . 4 4 Clerical and Engineering Divisions .. .. .. 3,484 3,342 General Division .. .. .. .. ..5,413 5,239 8,901 8,585 Temporary staff .. .. .. .. .. 53 36 Casual staff .. ...... .. .. 265 83 9,219 - 8,704 Non-permanent staff— Country Postmasters and Telephonists .. .. 1,710 1,692 Postmasters who are Railway officers .. .. 83 83 11,012 10,479