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1932. N K W ZE A LAN D.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 109 of the Land for Settlements Act, 1925.

The Land Purchase Controller to the Hon. the Minister of Lands. Sir. — Department, of Lands and Survey, Wellington, Ist August, 1932. I have the honour to submit a report on land-purchase operations for the year ended 31st March, 1932. Some 201 offers of estates were considered, and eight farming properties were purchased during the year. The total area acquired, including a section of land required for the purposes of the Hutt Valley Settlement, and some 39 acres acquired as a homestead-site, was 4,815 acres, and the amount paid out, £62,525. Included in the purchases were seven properties, totalling 2,772 acres, acquired on behalf of approved applicants under the provisions of Part II of the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1928. The balance of the purchase-money for the Galatea Estate was paid over during the year. It has not yet been decided when the land is to be opened for selection, and in the meantime the estate is being handled so as to give a maximum return. The road work has practically been completed, and a considerable amount of scrub-cutting and fencing carried out. Further work to be done includes the cultivation and grassing of various areas, and the top-dressing and reconditioning of the balance of the estate. It is intended to provide on each section a reasonable area of pasture of dairying standard, and until this has been accomplished it is not proposed to place settlers on the land. Owing to the low prices ruling for wool and lamb it has not been practicable to purchase purely grazing-lands which on subdivision could be disposed of at prices enabling settlers to successfully occupy their holdings. Operations have therefore of late been confined to the acquisition of land suitable for dairying. The position with respect to the pastoral industry is, however, being closely watched by the Land Purchase Board, and when opportunity offers it is hoped that it will be possible to arrange for the purchase of some suitable grazing-land. Tables are attached giving particulars of the properties considered and lands acquired during the year, together with Revenue Account and Balance-sheet. The usual statement (duly certified by the Controller and Auditor-General) required under the provisions of section 109 a of the Land for Settlements Act, 1925, of the moneys received into and paid out of the Land for Settlements Account during the year will be found in parliamentary paper B.- I (Part I), being the Abstract of the Revenue and Expenditure of the Public Account .for the year ended 31st March, 1932. I have, &c., W. Robertson, The Hon. the Minister of Lands. Land Purchase Controller.

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