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Standard Surveys. With the exception of the re-establishment surveys in Hawke's Bay, very little standard work has been done during the year. The work carried out was in Auckland and Christchurch to complete circuits already in progress. In other digtrictfe flic only work done was for the maintenance of existing surveys. Field Inspections. No inspections have been made except those absolutely necessary for title investigation purposes. Tidal Survey. The tide-tables for the year 1933 for the seven New Zealand standard ports (Auckland, New Plymouth, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, and Westport) for which tidal predictions are published were received in Wellington on the 9th June, 1931, from the Hydrographer to the Admiralty. The work of measuring the times and heights of high and low water was again performed at the Tidal Institute, University of Liverpool. Magnetic Observatory. • The work of the observatory was continued under the control of this Department until the Ist August, 1931, on which date the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research took over the control of this branch. All unpublished tables of hourly values, <fec., were handed over to that Department for action. Proposed Operations, 1932-33. Hawke's Bay Re-establishment of Surveys.—This work will be continued in the field by the rural standard traverse of the principal roads and in the office by the collection and compilation, of as complete a record of existing data as possible. At the present rate of progress it will take at least another two years to put this on a proper footing. Triangulation. —No work on the geodetic or minor triangulation work is proposed to be done during the year. Standard, Surveys.—The only work of this nature (outside Hawke's Bay District) will be necessary maintenance of existing surveys. Town Section Surveys. —Only 36 acres is at present on hand, chiefly in Canterbury and Otago. Rural Settlement. —At present there is about 75,000 acres in hand, or which will require surveying during the coming year. Native Land Court Surveys.—-Authority for the survey of 47,000 acres is now in hand, principally in Auckland, Hawke's Bay, and Wellington. Office Work. —The routine examination and recording of all plans as they are received will be continued, and the publication of maps as present editions-become exhausted. The calculation of the revised triangulation of Hawke's Bay will be completed, and the adjustment of the rural traverses to harmonize therewith commenced. General. Map Publications. —In the Chief Draughtsman's report appended hereto will be found particulars of the maps published during the year. Town Subdivisional Surveys. —These show a very large decrease in the number of schemes and the area subdivided. This decrease is really larger than shown by the figures as a large proportion involve alterations to approved schemes, and do not include new land. An analysis of the schemes is given in the Chief Draughtsman's report. Proclamation of Roads, do.—During the past year a number of applications for the proclamation of road-lines laid out by the Native Land Court under the provisions of the Native Land Acts were considered and dealt with. The statutory notices under sect-ion 15 of the Native Land AmendmentAct, 1914, and section 487 of the Native Land Act, 1931, were forwarded to the local authorities of the districts concerned, and in the majority of cases no objections were raised to the proclamation of the road-lines as public highways. Under the Land Transfer Act, 1915, 152 Warrants for the issue of certificates of title were examined and certified to in terms of section 13 of the Act. A number of applications to bring land under the Land Transfer Act were also considered and approved in pursuance of section 19 of the Act. Under section 106 of the Land for Settlements Act, 1925, seven Proclamations were issued closing unformed and unused roads intersecting or adjoining land acquired under that Act. Staff. Retirements, &c. —The following officers retired during the year : J. D. Thomson (Commissioner of Crown Lands and Chief Surveyor, Hawke's Bay), who joined the Department in 1885, and occupied many responsible positions in the Service ; R. J. Knight (Native Land Draughtsman, Auckland) ; E. O. Weir (Chief Draughtsman, Dunedin) ; Messrs. J. D. Watt, F. W. Clayton, L. E. Ward, W. H. Hardgrave, and J. B. Mclntyre (draughtsmen) ; and Misses R. Earle, M. E. Rule, and M. Baird (draughtswomen). Appreciation. —In conclusion, I wish to bring under your notice the appreciation of the various Chief Surveyors of the manner in which their staff has carried out its duties during the year, to which I desire to add my personal thanks to the whole of the technical staff for their excellent work under difficult circumstances. H. E. Walshe, Surveyor-General.