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Appropriations for Public Works Services.


3-B. 7a.


rtera MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS—continued. 1932-33. VOTE No. 46— continued. ~ £ £ Mental Hospital Buildings— continued. Seacliff- —• 30 Equipment .. .. .. .. . . 400 31 Park day-room . . . . .. .. .. 14 Sunny side — 32 No. 3 Villa, Templeton (furniture) .. .. 35 33 No. 4 Villa, Templeton (erection) .. 5,000 34 Reception-house (dormitory) . . .. .. 290 35 Scullery (erection and equipment) .. .. 136 36 Water-tank (pump control) . . .. .. 16 Tokanui — 37 Drainage (provision of concrete pipes) .. .. 102 38 Laundry (supply of hydro-extractor) .. .. 182 I 39 Villa .. .. .. 1,000 40 Water-supply .. .. . . .. .. 3,000 Waitati — 41 Water-supply .. .. . . .. .. 1,496 42 Buildings and sites not specified .. .. .. 7,000 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 .. .. £500 Gross Total .. .. .. .. 51,316 Amount required for Current Year .. 51,060 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. .. 500 NET TOTAL—VOTE No. 46 .. .. 50,560 VOTE No. 47. Health and Hospital Institutions — Christchurch, St. Helens (new nursing home) .. 1,950* Erection of buildings, &c, for Hospital Boards through- I out New Zealand (all expenditure recoverable from Boards) . . . . .. .. .. , 100 3 Otaki Sanatorium (new laundry block) .. .. 80 4 Buildings and sites not specified .. .. .. 500 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 .. .. £380 Gross Total .. .. .. .. 2,630 Amount required for Current Year .. 2,380 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. .. 380 NET TOTAL—VOTE No. 47 .. .. ] 2,000 TOTAL .... .... .... £169,000 * £380 recoverable from Government Fire Insurance Fund.