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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


Itate Otohs Authorizing Act. Piincipal. per Half-yearly due Dates. Amount Recoverable. 1931-32. Cent. New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, £ £ £ £ 1917 —continued. Aid to Public Works and Land 38,700 5£ 1 Mar. and ] Sept. 2,032 .. 2,032 Settlement Act, 1902 Aid to Public Works and Land 1,000 5£ 15 Feb. and 15 Aug. 53 Settlement Act, 1903 200 5 1 Mar. and 1 Sept. 10 183,800 5j 1 Mar. and 1 Sept. 9,649 4,880 5J 1 Mar. and 1 Sept. 268 10,000 4| 1 Jan. and ] July 450 199,880 10,430 .. 10,430 Aid to Public Works and Land 50,000 .1 Mar. and 1 Sept. 2,750 .. 2,750 Settlement Act, 1905 Aid to Public Works and Land 100 6 1 Jan. and 1 July 6 Settlement Ad, 1906 1,000 5J 1 Mar. and 1 Sept. 53 1,100 59 59 Aid to Public Works and Land' 900 6 1 Jan. and 1 July 54 Settlement Act, 1907 218.200 5| 1 Feb. and 1 Aug. 12,001 23,250 5J 15 Feb. and 15 Aug. 1,221 1,700 5J 1 Mar. and 1 Sept. 89 5,000 4| 1 Jan. and 1 July 225 249,050 13,590 .. 13,590 Aid to Public Works and Land 25,000 5J 1 Mar. and 1 Sept. 1,312 .. 1,312 Settlement Act, 1911 Aid to Public Works and Land 60,000 5| 1 Jan. and 1 July 3,300 .. 3,300 Settlement Act, 1914 Aid to Public Works and I,and 39,660 5J 1 Feb. and 1 Aug. 2,181 Settlement Act, 1921 70,960 6 1 Feb. and 1 Aug. 2,129 183,790 5£ 15 Feb. and 15 Aug. 9,649 4,000 5| I Feb. and 1 Aug. 220 298,410 14,179 .. 14,179 Aid to Water Power Works Act, 272,100 5£ 15 Feb. and 15 Aug. 14,285 1910 Recoverable from Electric Sup- .. .. .. .. 14,285 ply Account Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans 50,050 5J 1 Mar. and 1 Sept. 2,628 Act, 1919 (Section 4) 80,000 o\ 1 Feb. and 1 Aug. 4,400 130,050 7,028 Recoverable from Land for ,. .. .. .. 7,028 Settlements Account — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans 2,985,890 5J 15 Jan. and 15 July 164,224 Act, 1920 | Recoverable froin Discharged . . .. 164,224 Soldiers S-'ttlement Account - ' . Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 8,000 6 1 Feb. and 1 Aug. 450 82,160 F>J 15 Feb and 15 Aug. 4,313 51,200 5J 1 Jan. and 1 July 2,688 141,360 7,451 .. 7,451 Education Purposes Loans Act, 56,590 5| 15 Feb. and 15 Aug. 2,900 1917, and Finance Act, 1927 3,770 5-J 15 Feb. and 15 Aug. 198 ! (No. 2), (Section 4) 90,560 5J 15 Feb. and 15 Aug. 4,981 33,090 5i I Mar. and 1 Sept. 1,820 184,010 9,899 .. 9,899