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B.—l [Pt. IVj.

OUST' DBPAB N!. R] ok rm Mai: 1931. Dr. £ £ b. d. V. £ d. To Adminj - • e elm .. .. 7,595,046 11 1 ........ 576,184 15 o Pay of non-permaneni .. L.670 10 6 >ms fines .. .. .. .. 414 AII-γ. im< , and .. .. 1 . LI 0 rewai .. .. 177 1 8 Cu license .. .. i> o 0 Expenses of official n Distillai .. .. .. in t> Mtatives, London .. 671) 9 4 !!<• ise fees .. .. .. I (>, .' L 0 <> es of official repre- .. .. .. .. 1 ()( > 0 0 sentative, New Fork .. 1,412 4 7 I .. .. .. 70 17 \\ Postage and telegram .. i> license fe Printing and etatione] .. 1,357 <> '■'> V* fees.. .. .. 10,05 9 lephone avvvv .. 1 M .. .. .. 17 14 0 - rendered I>\ oth< « I departments .. .. '■•"» <> Transfer and remo\ penses .. . . 0 Travelling allowance expenses Rent .. .. .. 4,78] 7I i Maintenance and repairs . . _' 11- 8 Miscellaneous expe .. 273 is 0 11 Grants to — Cook and Nine fslac \ cinnicii . . . . 2,696 0 0 Comptroller of Custom \j '■!!- I of visit to United Kingdom and Canada . . 1. Pepr< m .. . . . . 912 0 Balance carried down .. .. ,081,020 16 10 £8,184,000 7 9 £8,184,000 7 9 £ d. To Interest on capital .. .. .. 5 0 9 t down .. .. .. 8,081,020 16 10 Excess of revenue over expenditi .. 1 £8,081,020 16 10 £8,081,020 16 10 Note. Pe .dint pital, 1*279 =£1 Td. Balas March, 1931. Liability Assets. Capital— £ d. £ s. d. £ d. Consolidated Fund Capital Ac- nd .. .. .. .. .. 2 0 0 •unt .. .. 203 8 (i Building .. .. .. .. '.l , i Public Works Departmeni Buildi a Suspen .. .. .. 300 0 0 penditure Account .. 20,700 10 I .. .. .. .. .. 5 11 29,903 18 Furniture and fittings .. .. .. 8. 1 , .) 11 Creditors — .1 oilii ilianci .. .. 1,093 16 4 departmental .. .. Stati .. .. .. .. 66 13 Sundry .. .. .. LlO i .. .. .. .. .. L 32 L 5 3 -2 is s .. .. .. .. L 0 0 Fees paid in advance .. .. .. 9,i 7 4 Qniform-trimmin .. .. .. 20 !•"> 11 Depreciation I .. .. .. 8,325 L! rumei .. .. 873 19 5 Amounts held on deposit — — £ d. Customs duti .. ..83,028 4 11 Departmeni .. .. 798 Immigration 1 iction A 1,440 0 0 Iry.. .. .. 506 2 10 84, 11 14,304 9 0 Writings-oil Susp .. .. .. 0 6 D Sβof revenue over expenditure .. 8,079,61") 16 1 aver-i al .. K) o o Colic. .. 13 11 Immigration Restriction Ac 1,440 o 0 84,468 4 11 8 0 6 Adjustmi .ccoiint .. .. 8,082,534 9 9 £8,213,123 19 5 £8,213,123 19 5 Note. — The Revenue Account include followin rich the Departmeni p i parliamentary appropriation : (a) Services ol Marine Department officers; (b) ! value as , by Public Work.- Department ; (r) interest at per cent, on capital as at Ist April, 191 Depreciation has been allowed for on balance of . pril. 1 !>:*o. i charge irried to Depreciation Re . Credit has beeo taken vnthoul appropriationfoi \ rendered to Inter;: n<\ M Geo. Craig, Comptroller of Customs. I hereby certify that the Revenue Account and Balance ve been duly examined nnd compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and i ctly state the position as disclosed thereby, subject to the above departmental notes. —0. F. 11, Controller and Auditor-General. i