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DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE— continued. THE ORCHARD TAX ACT 1927 DEPOSIT ACCOUNT. Kevenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1931.

[General Purposes: Fireblight-tax under Section 4. ! Tax, Section 3, ; , Orchard tax Act, i 1927. Hawke's Bay. Thames. Waimea. (Jisborne. Expenditure.. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Expenses of collection .. .. .. 497 18 11 ... 1 1 0 89 0; 212 6 510 1 5 Balance to Appropriation Account .. 861 1 9 j • 012 017 19 817 886 17 1 1,359 0 8 | ] 13 0 25 10 9 10 14 1 1,396 18 6 Income. £s. d. £s. d. £s. d. £s.d. i £s.d. j £ s. d. By Tax levied under sections 3 and 4 (including 1,452 7 2 .. 113 0 25 10 9 | 11 611 1,490 17 10 penalty) Less penalties allowed on prompt payment 93 6 6 .. .. .. 0 12 10 93 19 4 1,359 0 8 1 .. I 1 13 0 25 10 9 10 14 1 I 1,396 18 6 I I I I I Appropriation Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1931. General Purposes Fireblight-tax under Section 4. Tax, Section 8, . . Orchard-tax Act, lotal. 1927. Hawke's Bay. Thames. Waimea. Gisborne. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Tax irrecoverable, written off .. .. 16 0 3 4 5 3 2 4 6 .. .. 22 10 0 Fruitgrowers' Federation and Fireblight Com- 316 12 10 .. .. 500 0 0 8 4 7 824 17 5 mittees Balance .. .. .. .. 878 5 11 23 4 0 32 10 6 25 4 3 9 8 2 968 12 10 1,210 19 0 27 93 I 34 15 0 525 43 I 17 12 9 1,816 0 3 1 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Balance, Ist April, 1930 .. .. .. 349 17 3 27 9 3 34 3 0 508 2 6 911 2 929 3 2 Revenue Account .. .. .. 861 1 9 .. 0 12 0 17 1 9 8 1 7 886 17 1 ! I I i I 1,210 19 0 27 93 j 34 15 0 I 525 43 j 17 12 9 ; 1,816 0 3 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1931. General Purposes Fireblight-tax under Section 4. • Tax, Section 3, _ , Orchard-tax Act, lotal. 1927. Hawke's Bay. Thames. Waimea. Gisborne. Liabilities. £s. d. £s. d. £s. d. £s.d. j £s. d. £s. d. Sundry creditors —Government .. .. . . 0 2 6! 2 10 6 6 16 0 22 6! 11 11 6 Suspense Accounts .. .. .. .. 2 9 9 .. 1 10 0 .. .. 1 3 19 9 Appropriation Account .. .. .. 878 511 : 23 4 0 32 10 6 25 4 3 9 8 2 968 12 10 880 15 8 | 23 6 6 36 11 0 32 0 3 11 10 8 984 4 1 Assets. Sundry debtors— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Government .. .. .. .. 336 4 3 .. .. ! .. 3 14 8 339 18 11 General .. .. .. .. 276 3 9 .. .. .. 414 1 I 280 17 10 Cash in Deposit Account .. .. .. 268 7 8 23 6 6 36 11 0 32 0 3 3111 j 363 7 4 I 880 15 8 23 6 6 36 11 0 32 0 3 11 10 8 984 4 1 J J A. 8. Houston, Accountant, Department of Agriculture. I hereby certify that the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.—J. H. Fowler, Deputy Controller and Auditor-General.