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(b) According to Age, Blood undifferentiated.

Scarlet Fever Susceptibility of Maori. The intradermal reaction to scarlet-fever streptococcus toxin is a fairly dependable measure of the susceptibility of the individual tested. The test consisted of the intradermal injection of 0-1 of a 1 in 1,000 dilution of Dick toxin obtained from the Commonwealth Laboratory, Australia. A similar quantity of toxin of same strength heated to boiiing-point for one hour and a half was used as control on the other arm.. In the interpreta,tion of the tests pseudo and positive reactions were counted as positive, and pseudo and negative reactions as negative. Results were read at twenty-four hours, and again at the third day approximately. The average percentage of positive Dick reactors as reported by eighteen different observers in Europe and America was 37-78 per cent. The Dick positive rate among 11,284 healthy Japanese in Dairen was 37-2 per cent. Chinese living there had a much lower rate —namely, 19-4 per cent, of 3,376 tested. Of 646 persons tested in Peking 46-4 were found to be Dick positive. In Palestine, in a small Arab and Armenian group, 7-4 per cent, were Dick positive. In Tanganyika, tropical Africa, 376 Natives gave 1-8 per cent, positive reactions. It has previously been held in New Zealand that scarlet fever is practically unknown among Maoris. The Native race is not immune to scarlet fever, though certainly relatively immune as compared with the pakelia. The Maori susceptibility is as follows : —

(a) According to Blood, Ages mixed.

(b) According to Age, Blood undifferentiated.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (1,050 copies), £52 10s.

By Authority ; W,. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l93l.

Price Is.]


Ages, in Years .. .. 5. 6. i 7. ! 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15, 16. _!__ L_J L_ Schick positives .. .. 41 4ôi 39 26 28 23 14 18 121 5 3 .. Number examined .. 184 244 259 238 243 213 184 218 153) 82 9 7 Expressed as percentage .. 22-28 18-85 15-05 10-92 11-52 10-79 7-60 8-25 7-84J 6-09 10-34 .. [ | i i

Full-blooded Three-quarter HaIf MaoriBlood j Quarter Maori Maori. Maori Blood. I Blood. Dick positives .." .. .. 25 6 12 4 Number examined - -.. ..- 1,277 413 283 81 Expressed as percentage .. .. 1-95 1-45 4-24 ,4-93

Ages, in Years .. .. I 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. j 14. 15. 16. Dick positives .. ..7 9 ; 3 10 3 5 '■•■--'2 4 4 .. .. j .. Number examined .. 184 244 259 238 243 213 184 218 153 82 9 7 Expressed as percentage .. 3-80 3-69 1-15 4-20 1-23 12-34 1-08 i 1-83 2-61 .. ..j ■-.-.