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Table I.—Summary of Maternity Cases in all Hospitals, 1930.


X : |§B ā|S! Number ol Operations. Hemorrhages. ° o £ Number of 1 1 J £ || - I || I 1—, ' I I s teredo otter § Maternal Mortality. 1 - 111 1 St S I" • -rr ■ -g g O § « S* • j? S go dead - HOSpitalS. § S £ J | S £&.s Version. - g • § =S 6? -ā 3> a: ? Q 2 , 1 I II fill 1 |.sl Is ' 1 ! ' =s i* 11 I . P sfisi |S 1 is ill S «Id |ê £ā is |s §« *i| (a) Maternity Hospitals —i.e..admitting maternity and urgent miscarriage cases only. G Totafe 1_100 ° aSeSPerannUm TT 143 6,528 6,181 272 6,453 48 500 9 j 28 21 59 8 2, 28 27 109 25 13 118 136 77 31 44 8 21 .. 21 Percentages to total confinements .. .. 7-75 0-14 | 0-43 0-33 0-91 0-12 0-03 0-43 0-42 1-69 0-39 0-201 1-83 2-11 1-19! 0-48 0-68 0-124 0-325 .. 0-325 Group 2 : Over 100 cases per ; Tote™" .. 44 17.125 6,560 345 6,905 46 644 34 1 13 37 67 16 2 j 37 ! 31 i 106 | 37 8| 113 138 78 | 6 97 6 13 1 14 Percentages to total confinements .. j 9-33 j 0-49 j 0-19 0-54 0-97 0-23 0-03 | 0-54 j 0-45 | 1-54 i 0-54 0-116 1-64 2-00 1-13 j 0-09 ; 1-40 |0-087 |0-187 0-016 | 0-203 Group 3 : St. Helens Hospitals — j „„ „■ „ „ Totals . .. 7 2,667 2,405 67 2,472 17 95 23 ! 6 3 30 ! 5 4 17 i 11 39 6 7 35 48 22 6. 21 2 6 3 9 Percentages to total confinements 3-84 ; 0-93 | 0-24 j 0-12 1-21; 0-20 0-16 ! 0-69 I 0-44 1-58 0-24 jO-283 1-42 1-94 | 0-89 0-24 | 0-85 0-081 0-243 0-121 0-364 G TotaJ' 2 '" and 3_ . ..194 16.320a5.146 1 684 15,830 111 1,299 I 66! 47 j 61 156: 29 8 | 82 69 254 68 28 366 322 177 43 162 16 40 4 44 Percentages to total confinements .. .. 7-83 0-42 | 0-30 0-39 0-99; 0-18 0-05 j 0-52 0-44 j 1-60 0-43 jO-177 2-31 2-03 1-12 0-27 j 1-02 0-101 0-253 0-025 0-278 (b) Mixed Hospitals — i.e., admitting maternity and medical and Totals, all mixed hospitals .. 76 12,896 2,674 96 2,770 80 271 4 j 11 15 31 11 2 11 9 j 51 , 7 j 7 70 69 24 2 j 30 5 11 1 12 Percentages to total confinements- 9-78 0-14 0-40 0-54 1-12 0-40 0-07 0-40 0-32 1-84 0-25 J0-253 2-53 2-49 0-87 0-07 j 1-08 0-181 0-397 0-036 0-433 (c) All Hosvitals. Totals * .. 270 19,216 17,820 780 18,600 191 1,510: 70 I 58 76 187 40 10 93 78: 305! 75; 35 336 391 201 45 | 192 21 51 5 56 Percentages to total confinements 8-12 j 0-38 0-31 0-41 1-01 0-22 0-06 0-50 0-42:1-64 0-40 0-188 j 1-81 2-10 1-08 0-24 -| 1-03 0-112 0-274 0-027 0-301 (d) Gases confined in Private Houses and General Wards of Public Hospitals. Totals .. ... ..' 8,755 _ 40 Percentages to total confinements .. . . .. .. .. .. .. • • • • • ■ • • • ■ • • • • ' • • • • • • • ■ • ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "' **"