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was recorded to the nearest in. ; weight was recorded in kilograms to two decimal places. The mean of two observations was taken each time, one observer (A. F. R.) recording height throughout, the other (H. B. T.) weight. Clothes worn were recorded at the first weighing, and the same quantity allowed to each child at the final weighing. Observations then were made by the same observers using the same instruments in the afternoon period each time. An attempt was made (A. F. R.) to assess mental intelligence before and after the experiment, Haggerty tests of educable capacity being used for the purpose in March and third week, December. " In the test group ninety-three Maori children completed the milk-feeding course, children with less than /5 per cent, attendance not being included in this number. A control group of twenty-five Maori children at a neighbouring school just over three miles away, living, however, under similar conditions in the same district, were measured physically as above, but not tested mentally. In both groups the ages ranged from five to fourteen years. " The result of the experiment was shown in— " 1. Physical Improvement. " (a) Measured by Height and Weight:—

" The test group gained twice the height and two and a half times the weight of the control group. Half of the children, the younger ones, received 1 pint daily, this division between primers and standards occurring in group aged nine years. The elder children receiving § pint daily did equally well, it seeming as though the quantity given was of secondary importance to the regularity. It will be noted as in a British experiment (Leighton, 1929) that ages twelve to fourteen gained less height and more weight than ages five to seven, while ages ten to eleven did best in the present experiment. The control-group gain was apparently average. For example, a five-fourteen group of Toronto children gained in three months 1 lb. 8§ oz. weight, whereas these control Maori children gained 1 lb. 7J oz. in the same period. " (b) Measured by Improved Resistance to Disease.—Before routine medical inspection of this school was begun, scabies, 40 per cent., and impetigo, 15 per cent., were rife. At the routine inspection, 1930, resulting from preventive eSorts, and before the milk feeding began, the incidence had fallen of scabies 14 per cent., sores 5 per cent. After the experiment a further reduction to scabies 6 per cent., sores 3 per cent., was noted. Improved nutrition has helped the struggle against these troubles due to faulty home conditions. The same improved nutrition was responsible for improved attendance, the attendance regularity increasing markedly for the duration of the experiment. "2. Mental Improvement. " The school took part in the educable capacity survey of Native schools in March. Unfortunately, the Native school roll changes constantly, and a few of those tested in March remained in December. The results from these few seemed marked, even after discounting the fact that the same test was used on both occasions and the children had been some months longer at school. The teachers reported, apart from mental tests, that the children were brighter in every way. Test results are so few that no dogmatic statement can be made further than they seem to corroborate the evidence of physical improvement.

" Summary.—The head teacher of the school and the Maoris of this community are so pleased with the results of this experiment that they propose to put the milk feeding on an annual permanent basis. They intend to provide milk at school at least during the winter term each year. The milk rationing resulted not only in physical improvement judged by gain in height and weight and by improved resistance to disease, but also in improved mental alertness noted by the teachers, and seemingly corroborated by mental tests. The milk ration given regularly supplies missing constituents of the family dietary. The Maori diet is excessively carbohydrate. Milk may supply deficient protein, minerals, and vitamines, as suggested in recent Scottish study (Orr and Clark, 1930). However this may be, it is certain that milk has a very high nutritive value."


TEST GROUP, BY AGES. Age (years) .. .. ..5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. I 13. 14. Number of children 14 10 9 11 7 6 10 8 12 6 Height (eighths) .. .. 6-2 64 7-7 6-6 6-2 8-0 7-0 5-1 54 I 4-1 Weight (kilograms) .. 1-33 1-08 1-61 1-74 1-54 2-08 2-00 1-91 1-52 I 1-76 i ! i I All ages, Average. Test Group. Control. Number of children .. . . .. .. 93 25 Height (eighths) .. . . .. .. .. 6-2 3-1 Weight (kilograms) .. .. .. .. 1-65 (3-662 lb.) 0-66 (1455 lb.)

Number Number j Total Highest Lowest Average of Boys. of Girls, j Score. Score. Score. Score. Standard IV —March .. .. .. 1 3 139 52 24 34-7 December .. .. 1 3 309 104 56 77-5 Standard V —March .. .. .. 2 .. 145 73 72 72-5 December .. .. 2 .. 198 100 98 99-0