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B.—l [Pt. ll].

Deposits Account —Interest on Cash Balance Investments Account.


Receipts. Disbursements. Balance from 1929-30, representing Amounts allocated to various amounts allocated to State Ad- £ s. d. accounts— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. vances Loan Account .. .. 2,788 3 3 Ordinary Revenue Account Interest on invest- (Interest on Public Moneys), ments in New Zea- £ s. d. in respect of balances of— land .. .. 49,250 7 9 Ordinary Revenue Account.. 986 8 3 Interest on invest- Local Bodies Account .. 103 18 10 ments in London 18,802 16 9 Deposits Account .. .. 1,009 8 9 68,053 4 6 Public Works Fund —General Purposes Account .. 12,317 11 7 Advances to other Governments Account .. .. 383 19 7 Education Loans Account .. 1,706 17 3 Loans Redemption Account 4,181 11 9 Railways Improvement Authorization Act 1914 Account .. .. .. 4,170 15 2 Suspense Account .. 9,997 19 10 34,858 11 0 Ordinary Revenue Account (Miscellaneous Revenue), in respect of balances of Land Assurance Fund Account.. » 314 18 9 Ordinary Revenue Account (National Endowment Revenue), in respect of balances of — National Endowment Account .. .. .. 347 13 7 National Endowment Trust Account .. .. 77 1 1 424 14 8 35,598 4 5 Deposits Account (interest in respect of balances of the Unemployment Fund held in suspense pending decision as to what account is to receive credit) .. .. .. 8 16 9 Nauru and Ocean Islands Account .. .. .. 233 18 8 Nauru and Ocean Islands Sinking Fund Account .. .. 0 18 11 Public Works Fund—Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account .. .. .. .. .. 84 1 8 Public Works Fund —Electric Supply Account .. .. 5,262 9 11 Public Works Fund —Electric Supply Sinking Fund Account 333 16 6 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account .. .. .. 2,497 16 1 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act 1920 Depreciation Fund Account .. .. .. .. .. 940 19 11 General Purposes Relief Account .. .. .. 142 4 8 Hauraki Plains Settlement Account .. .. .. 215 15 1 Howard Estate Account .. .. .. .. 0 0 1 Hunter Soldiers Assistance Trust Account .. .. 12 0 7 Hutt Valley Lands Settlement Account .. .. .. 178 14 9 Kauri-gum Industry Account .. .. .. .. 346 6 1 Land for Settlements Account, in respect of balances of— £ s. d. Cheviot Estate Account .. .. 300 0 9 Deteriorated Lands Account .. .. 187 18 6 Land for Settlements Account .. 3,757 15 4 4,245 14 7 Main Highways Account (Revenue Fund), in respect of balances of— Main Highways Account— Revenue Fund .. .. .. 3,450 7 0 Construction Fund .. .. 2,937 6 6 6,387 13 6 Mining Advances Account .. .. ,. .. 23 18 4 Native Land Settlement Account .. .. .. 703 12 6 Public Debt Repayment Account .. .. .. 50 14 2 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account .. .. .. 16 17 3 State Advances Loan Account .. .. .. .. 8,520 2 4 State Coal-mines Account .. .. .. .. 116 18 10 State Coal-mines Sinking Fund Account .. .. .. 3 15 5 State Forests Account .. .. .. .. .. 1,547 8 8 Swamp Land Drainage Account.. .. .. .. 50 9 9 Unemployment Fund .. .. .. .. .. 8 16 9 Westport Harbour Account .. .. .. .. 111189 Working Railways Account .. .. .. .. 2,476 10 2 70,120 15 1 Balance, 31st March, 1931 — Amounts allocated to State Advances £ s. d. Loan Account not yet paid .. 11 14 7 Amounts not yet allocated .. .. 708 18 1 720 12 8 Total receipts .. .. £70,841 7 9 Total disbursements .. .. .. £70,841 7 9