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APPENDIX A—continued. Return showing the Number of Offences reported, the Number of Offences for which Persons were apprehended or summoned, and Comparison of Crime during the Year ended 31st December, 1929, and Year ended 31st December, 1930—continued.


1929. 1930. Increase or ■ Decrease in 5 to ajcfico t, ,, b /~i • ii. it. Number of ® ©-g ® Results of Cases m which Persons were Offences a §. § ® m apprehended or summoned. rannrtpd « & (Charges against Males a U d Females c N 0^f * Offences. 2 ° ° 3 separately.) amongst those "3 & a committed °.2 3rd Committed Summarily rji«™i«RAri for Trial. °.g °jg for Trial. convicted. ® ® s| sg g s g£ |S |3o£ M. P. M. I F. M. F. M. F. « q ; . Zi Z . ig . _ _ M H I i Police Offences Act—continued. Using profane, indecent, or obscene 687 615 613 1 .. 556 26 28 2 .. .. .. 72 language Vagrancy (idle and disorderly persons, 714 779 778 2 .. 558 123 86 9 2 t 65 rogues and vagabonds, and incorrigible rogues) Assaulting, obstructing, or resisting 162 117 117 .. .. 116 .. 1 .. .. .. ! .. 45 constables, &c. Intimidation to restrict lawful acts .. 25 .. .. .... .. .. .. 25 Inciting violence, disorder, or lawlessness 49 19 19 .... 18 .. 1 .. .. .. 30 Unlawfully using horses, motor-cars, &c. 380 708 477 .. .. 454 2 20 I .. .. 328 Unlawfully on premises by night with- 159 186 186 .. .. 151 12 21 2 .. .. 27 out criminal intent Sunday trading .. .. .. 50 52 52 .... 31 20 1 .. .. 2 Gaming Act. Common gaming-house, keeping or 67 87 87 .... 71 2 14. -. .. .. 20 managing, &e. Pound in a common gaming-house .. 50 124 124 .... 77 .. 46 1 .. .. 74 Gaming with instruments .. .. 36 55 55 .... 41 .. 14 .. .. 19 Publishing advertisements relating to 2 1 1 .... 1 .. .. 1 betting on horse-races Lotteries, unlawfully establishing or 6 18 18 .. 1 14 .. 3 .. .. 12 conducting, &c. Betting, unlawful .. .. .. 65 56 56 4 50 2 4 .. 9 Following occupation of a bookmaker 14 22 22 .... 18 1 3 .. .. 8 Trespass on racecourses .. .. 40 35 35 .... 35 .. .. 5 Post and Telegraph Act. Putting explosive, &c., into post- 2 .. .. .... .. .. .. 2 office, &c. Illegally opening or delaying postal 21 17 17 4 13 4 .. 4 packets Stealing postal packets, mail-bags, &c. 70 32 27 10 15 .. 2 10 .. .. 38 Stealing money, &c., from postal packets 7 33 32 17 14 .. I 17 .. 26 Fraudulently secreting or detaining .. 6 2 2.. .. 2 .. 6.. misdelivered mail-bags, &c. Injuring post-office pillars or boxes .. 2 11 11 .... 11 .. 9.. Damaging telephones .. .. 8 5 5 .... 4 ] .. .. .. 3 Damaging insulators .. .. 12 21 20 .... 20 .. .... .. .. 9 Posting indecent post-cards or letters.. 3 3 3 .... 3 False statement re posting postal packets 2 2 2 1 .. .. 1 Destitute Persons Act. Failing to maintain wife or children .. 2,195 2,197 2,072 .. .. 1,843 27 196 6 .. .. 2 .. Failing for fourteen days to pay main- 2,949 3,233 3,169 .. . > 2,981 9 177 2 .. .. 284 tenance-moneys Offences by husbands while separation 40 33 33 .... 32 .. 1 .. .. .. 7 orders are in force Offences prescribed in sections 52 to 58 3 5 5 .... 5 .. 2 of Destitute Persons Act - Shipping and Seamen Act. Ship-desertion .. .. .. 42 49 40 .... 40 .. 7 Absent without leave .. .. 24 18 18 .... 18 .. 6 Offences against discipline .. .. 35 3 3 .... 3 .. .... .. .... 32 Embezzling cargo .. .. .. .. 2 2 .. .. 2 .. .. 2 .. Stowing away .. .. •. 51 100 100 .. .. 100 .. .. .. .. .. 49 Licensing Act. Permitting drunkenness or violent 7 7 7 .... 6 1 conduct ! Selling or supplying liquor to intoxi- 16 .14 14 .. j 6 I 8 .. .. 2 cated persons Permitting gaming, gambling, &c. .. 6 .. .. .... .. .... 6 Selling or supplying liquor, or exposing 527 466 465 .. .. 278 26 141 20 .. .. 61 for sale, or opening or keeping open premises at unauthorized times Supplying liquor to persons under 51 33 32 .... 19 .. 13 .. .. .. t 18 twenty-one years