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LEAD PROCESS REGULATIONS. Inspections of premises where lead processes are carried on were again made during the year, and care was taken to see that the safeguards provided for workers operating paint-spraying apparatus in coach-painting and other factories were satisfactory. A. worker at a motor-body-building factory was found to be suffering from lead colic and was immediately placed under treatment. Two cases of death from lead poisoning were reported during the year. In the first case deceased, a master painter, had been treated nineteen years previously for lead poisoning, and had left the trade for health reasons some two and a half years before his death, which was notified as being due to chronic lead poisoning. In the second case deceased, whose death was due to acute lead poisoning and heart-trouble, had been employed for many years as a lead-burner. TAILORING TRADE REGULATIONS. These regulations were gazetted in 1925 to prevent the misuse of such expressions as " tailormade " and " hand-made " as applied to garments made to measure, some of which are made partly by machine process. During the year one complaint of an alleged breach of the regulations was received, but owing to lack of evidence no action could be taken. EXPENDITURE DURING THE YEAR, £ Salaries and allowances, temporary clerical assistance, and agents' remuneration . . -39,040 Fares, board and lodging, &c., advanced to persons proceeding to employment (see refunds, below) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 472 Fees paid to assessors on Conciliation Councils . . .. . . .. .. 579 Legal and witnesses' expenses (see refunds, below) .. .. . . .. .. 85 Postage, telegrams, telephones, and rent of letter-boxes .. .. .. .. 1,836 Printing, stationery, office requisites, equipment, heating and lighting of offices, advertising, &c. .2,878 Rent of office accommodation .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,398 Travelling allowances and expenses of Inspectors, including expenditure on bicycles, motorcycles, and motor-cars, and maintenance thereof .. .. .. .. .. 3,371 Travelling allowances and expenses of members of Court of Arbitration (£2,260) and Conciliation Cpmmissioners and assessors on Conciliation Councils (£569) .. .. 2,829 Miscellaneous expenditure . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . 151 Expenses of Committees investigating legislation, &c. . . .. .. . . 1, 485 Expenses of delegation to International Labour Conference .. .. .. .. 1,770 Services of officers of Registrar-General's Branch, Internal Affairs Department .. .. 50 57,944 Less refunds £ Fares .. .. .. .. .. .. . - . ■ 453 Legal and witnesses' expenses .. .. .. .. .. 67 Sale of publications .. .. .. . . .. .. 216 Travelling-expenses, &c., recovered from defendants in cases taken by Department and from persons to whom weights and measures services were rendered .. .. .. .. .. 1,379 From Government Statistician, for services of officers .. .. .. 210 Miscellaneous .. .. .. . . .. .. . ■ 219 2,544 £55,400 The above figures do not include a number of items for which provision for payment is made elsewhere than in the Department's vote —viz., salaries of Judge and members of Court of Arbitration, messenger services, cleaning, &c.