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Inspections, etc. Inspectors paid 11,883 visits of inspection to the factories of the Dominion (numbering in all 17,019) during the year. Prosecutions numbered 33, in 32 of which convictions were obtained ; the fines totalled £100 4s. ; no case calls for comment. Complaints were received respecting 193 alleged breaches of the Act, resulting in 14 prosecutions and 96 warnings. In 72 cases investigation showed that no breach had been committed, while in the remaining cases no action was considered necessary. Nineteen prosecutions were instituted for breaches which were discovered by Inspectors, and warnings were given in other cases, being either first offences or of a minor nature. There were 803 requisitions served to comply with various requirements of the Act, such as for limewashing ; safeguards for workers employed on machinery, &c. ; sanitary conveniences ; fireescapes ; renovations and structural alterations; heating-appliances; ventilation; lighting; firstaid appliances ; washing-water ; and dining-rooms in the case of establishments employing over six women and girls and boys under sixteen.

Boys and Girls in Factories. Certificates of Fitness issued to Boys and Girls under Sixteen Years of Age to work in Factories.

SHOPS AND OFFICES ACT. The records show 26,621 shops throughout New Zealand, of which 13,387 (approximately onehalf) were carried on without assistants. In the shops with assistants there were employed 20,946 males and 19,827 females. Visits of inspection to the number of 18,768 were made during the year. Prosecutions numbered 372, in which 350 convictions were obtained ; fines, £391 16s. Complaints were received respecting 552 alleged breaches of the Act, resulting in 109 prosecutions and 227 warnings. In 171 cases investigation showed that no breach had been committed, while in the remaining cases no action was considered necessary ; 263 prosecutions were instituted for breaches which were discovered by Inspectors, and warnings were given in other cases, being either first offences or of a minor nature. Of the 372 prosecutions taken under this Act, 165 were in connection with the sale of cigarettes by shopkeepers other than tobacconists ; there were 13 prosecutions against tobacconists : total, 178. Ninety-six requisitions were served on occupiers of shops to comply with various requirements of the Act, such as for sanitary conveniences, heating-appliances, sitting-accommodation for females, lighting, ventilation, and drinking-water. INDUSTRIAL CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION ACT. Work done under the Act during the Year 1930-31. Industrial agreements filed .. .. . . . . . . 15 Recommendations of Councils of Conciliation .. . . .. 50 Awards of the Court of Arbitration .. . . . . . . .. 61 The awards and industrial agreements actually in force on the 31st March, 1931, total 467 (last year, 4-68). Work performed by Commissioners and Councils of Conciliation. Industrial agreements arrived at and filed as such under section 28 by parties through the Commissioner alone . . . . . . . . 13 Disputes dealt with by Conciliation Councils — Where industrial agreements were filed under section 28 . . 1 Where recommendations were fully accepted and forwarded to the Court to be made into awards . . .. . . .. .. 28 Where recommendations were substantially accepted or agreements reached and referred to the Court to make awards .. . . 22 Where only minor recommendation or no recommendation was made .. 6 Total . . . . . . . . . . .. 70 The above figures indicate that 91-4 per cent, of the disputes dealt with by the Commissioners and Conciliation Councils were settled or substantially settled by them, though it should be noted that in some cases the settlements reached followed upon recently made awards of the Court or settlements through Commissioners or Councils in the same or similar industries elsewhere.


Year. : Boya. Girls. Total. 1916-17 .. .. 1,158 1,251 2,409 1926-27 .. .. 1,199 1,547 2,746 1927-28 .. .. 1,030 1,614 2,644

II "■ I ~ I' Year. Boys. Girls. ! Total. II !_ 1928-29 .. .. 981 1,603 2,584 1929-30 .. .. 1,077 1,746 2,823 1930-31 .. .. 655 1,059 1,714