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Table K2. —Secondary Schools (exclusive of Lower Departments). —Average Attendance, Roll, and Number of Government Free-place Holders —continued.

Table K 2a. —Ages of Pupils on Roll of Secondary Schools and Endowed Schools at 1st July, 1930.

Table K 3.—Classification of Pupils on the Roll of Secondary Schools at the 1st July, 1930, according to Years of Attendance at Post-primary Schools (exclusive of Lower Departments).

Table K 4.—Subjects taken by Pupils in Secondary Schools, 1930.


Number of Holders of Roll Number, « n Government Free Places Average 31st December, 1930. Jri on Roll at 1st July, School. Attendance, ». 1930. 19gQ Boys. Girls. ! Total. Junior. Senior. A. Secondary Schools—continued. Waimate High School.. .. .. 146-2 77 67 144 171 119 39 Waitaki Boys' High School .. .. 326 308 .. 308 338 201 102 Waitaki Girls' High School .. .. 208 .. 212 212 227 147 66 Otago Boys' High School .. .. 671 658 .. 658 717 425 251 Otago Girls' High School .. .. 432 .. 439 439 458 310 140 South Otago High School .. .. 126 67 69 136 138 88 49 Gore High School .. .. .. 221-5 114 106 220 251 170 63 Southland Boys' High School .. .. 278'6 284 .. 284 302 159 125 Southland Girls' High School .. .. 241 .. 246 246 267 180 81 Totals .. ... .. 15,496-4 8,340 7,212 15,552 17,127 10,901 5,155 B. Endowed Schools. Wanganui Collegiate School .; .. 276 j 269 j .. 269 282 I Christ's College .. .. .. 314-4 | 328 j .. 328 332 Totals .. .. .. 590-4 597 • • 597 614 j Grand totals .. .. 16,086-8 8,937 7,212 16,149 j 17,741 10,901 5,155

Ages of all Pupils on Roll at 1st July, 1930. Under 13 Years and 14 Years and 15 Years and 16 Years and 17 Years Totals, all Number of Schools. 13 Years. under 14. under 15. under 16. under 17. and over. Ages. B. G. B. G. B. | G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. Secondary schools (44) 391 397 1,588 1,602 2,299 12,159 2,075 1,837 1,481 1,016 1,004 655 8,838 7,636 Endowed schools (2) .. 7 .. 28 .. 82 | 117 .. 128 .. 154 .. 516 All schools (46) .. 398 367 1,616 1,602 2,381 |2,159 2,192 1,837 1,609 1,016 1,158 655 9,354 7,636 |

Number of New* Number of Pupils on Roll at 1st July, 1930. ~ Entrants in -g 1930 who had not , 2 : En previously Secondly liLhools. First Year. Second Year. Third Year. Fourth Year.j Fifth Year. Sixth Year. Totals. Education*" Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls Boys. Girls. Boys. I Girls. Boys. I Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. _ . ! __ ___ | 44 |3,O85j2,878 2,50O | 2,3O6 1,718 1,3361,007 758 387 312 81 48 8,838 7,636 16,474; 3,187 2,947 *Pupils under this heading who were on the roll at 1st July, 1930, are of course included in the first two columns of this table under the heading "First Year."

Number of Pupils Percentage of Number of Pupils Percentage of taking Subjects. Whole Number. taking Subjects. Whole Number. Subject. Subject. . Boys. Girls. Boys. I Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. English .. .. .. 8,824 7,534 99-8 98-7 Arts and crafts .. .. 332 482 3-8 6-3 History .. .. .. 8,255 7,442 93-4 97-5 Botany .. .. .. 120 347 1-4 4-5 French .. .. .. 7,756 6,566 87-8 86-0 Metalwork .. .. 418 .. 4-7 Arithmetic .. 6,622 7,470 74-9 97-6 Economics .. .. 298 60 3-4 0-9 Mathematics .. .. 8,530 5,436 96-5 71-2 Natural science .. .. 113 106 13 1-4 Geography .. .. 4,977 5,544 56-3 72-6 Mechanics.. .. .. 200 5 2-3 0-1 Physical science and chemistry 7,827 609 88-6 8-0 Home nursing and first aid .. .. 171 .. 2-2 Drawing .. .. .. 4,143 4,046 46-9 53-0 Dairy science .. .. 162 .. 1-8 Music and singing .. .. 3,075 4,791 34-8 62-7 | Wool-classing .. .. 161 .. 1-8 Home science .. .. 9 7,010 0-1 91-8 Workshop theory and practice 151 .. 1-7 Latin .. .. .. 3,785 2,330 42-8 30-5 Heat and light .. .. 77 11 0-8 0-1 Book-keeping and commercial 2,260 1,977 25-6 25-9 Motor engineering .. .. 85 .. 1-0 work Steam . . .. .. 42 .. 0*5 Needlework .. .. .. 3,340 .. 43-7 Building construction .. -17 .. 0-2 Shorthand and typing .. 128 1,861 1-4 24-4 Accountancy .. .. 10 .. 0-1 Woodwork .. .. 1,940 .. 22-0 .. Electrical engineering .. 8 .. 0-1 Cookery .. .. .. .. 1,751 .. 22-9 Technology .. .. 5 .. 0-1 Physiology and hygiene .. 16 1,453 0-2 19-0 Mercantile law .. .. 2 .. *• Electricity and magnetism .. 1,241 1 13 0 * Elocution .. .. .. .. 1,141 .. 14-9 Total roll at 1st July .. 8,838 7,636 Agriculture .. .. 871 .. 9-9 * No significant percentage.