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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


llat0 ftrow Authorizing Act. Principal. per Half-yearly due Bates, Recoverable. 1930 31. Cent. amount. New Zealand Consolidated Stock, £ £ £ £ 1947 —continued. Ordinary Revenue Account —Mis- 590,453 4J 1 May and 1 Nov. 26,570 cellaneous Public Works Fund—General Pur- 5,256,348 4J 1 May and 1 Nov. 236,536 poses Account — 11,256,348 506,536 Recoverable from Electric Sup- .. .. .. .. 48,686 ply Account 457,850 New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1948—58— Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), (Section 2,500,000 4-| 1 Mar. and 1 Sept. 112,500 2), (Public Works) Finance Act, 1928 (Section 2), 2,000,000 4J 1 Mar. and 1 Sept. 90,000 (Public Works) Finance Act, 1920 (Section 15), 1,000,000 4J 1 Mar. and 1 Sept. 45,000 (Electric-power Works) Railways Improvement Authoriza- 1,500,000 4| 1 Mar. and 1 Sept. 67,500 tion Act, 1914, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), (Section 3 ) Miscellaneous — Public Works Fund—General 12,227,987 4| 1 Mar. and 1 Sept. 550,260 Purposes Account j 19,227,987 865,260 Recoverable from Electric Sup- .. .. .. .. 45,000 ply Account 820,260 New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1949— * Finance Act, 1920 (Section 15), 500,000 5 15 June and 15 Dec. 12,500 (Electric-power Works) Finance Act, 1928 (Section 2), 1,000,000 5 15 June and 15 Dec. 25,000 (Public Works) Finance Act, 1929 (Section 2), 3,500,000 5 15 June and 15 Dec. 87,500 (Public Works) Railways Improvement Authoriza- 500,000 5 15 June and 15 Dec. 12,500 tion Act, 1914, and Finance Act, 1927 (No. 2), (Section 3) Additional issues to cover charges .. .. .. 26,500 • and expenses (1928, 1929, and p 1930 loans) 5,500,000 164,000 I j Recoverable from Electric Sup- .. .. .. .. 14,900 149,100 ply Account — New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— Aid to Public Works and Land 600 5J 1 Mar. and 1 Sept. 32 ., 32 Settlement Act, 1900 - Aid to Public Works and Land 38,700 5£ 1 Mar. and 1 Sept. 2,032 . 2,032 Settlement Act, 1902 Aid to Public Works and Land 4,430 5| 1 Jan. and 1 July 244 Settlement Act, 1903 1,000 5J 15 Feb. and 15 Aug. 53 200 5 1 Mar. and ] Sept. 10 183,800 5£ 1 Mar. and 1 Sept. 9,649 189.430 9,956 .. 9,956 A id to Public Works and Land 100 6 1 Jan. and 1 July 6 Settlement Act, 1906 1,000 5J 1 Mar. and 1 Sept. 53 1,100 59 .. 59 Aid to Public Works and Land. 900 6 i Jan. and 1 July 54 Settlement Act, 1907 210,900 5£ 1 Feb. and 1 Aug. 11,600 23,250 5| 15 Feb. and 15 Aug. 1,221 1,700 5J 1 Mar. and 1 Sept. 89 236,760 12,964 .. j 12,964 Aid to Public Works and Land 25,000 5J 1 Mar. and 1 Sept. 1,312 .. j 1,312 Settlement Act, 1911 Aid to Public Works and Land 60,000 5J 1 Jan. and 1 July 1,575 Settlement Act, 1914 40,000 5|- 30 June and 31 Dec. 2,200 100,000 3,775 .. 3,775 Aid to Public Works and Land 3Q,660 5| 1 Feb. and 1 Aug. 2,181 Settlement Act, 1921 74,960 j 6 1 Feb. and 1 Aug. 4,498 183,790 5J 15 Feb. and 15 Aug. 9,649 298,410 16,328 .. 16,328